I posted my best shave in the "Shave of the Day" on Nov 3 2011.
It was a crappy phone pic taken of my only razor at the time, my Dovo Bismarck on top of my shaving bowl that I bought while I was away.

I had only been shaving for a few months with a straight and I was still working out the kinks.
I had worked the best 17 hour day of my life that day, trying to get our aircraft serviceable in order to make a return voyage home from my 6 month tour in Sicily. Needless to say I was tired, and obviously pretty excited.

We had to spend the night in St. Johns NFLD, we were put up in a nice inn overlooking the famous George Street. I was too tired to go celebrate. so I hunkered down for a nice pre-slumber shave.

I used the only soap that I owned at the time, a tube of Proraso. No pre-shave, just a hot water rinse of my face.

All I could think about was meeting my little girls on the tarmac back at home, and I obviously got distracted and cut myself.

Never the less, it was the first time in a long time that I had been by myself. It was one of those extremely surreal and 'aware' moments of my life. Giving me time to reflect, appreciate and embrace my situation.