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Thread: My first complete 3 pass and a new revelation all in one night

  1. #11
    Poor Fit
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    May 2010
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    Welcome to the I have a silver tip, black badger, a synthetic, and a boar. Guess which one I tend to reach for the most
    I love my Omega Boar...its a great brush, reasonably priced and I find it very consistent. I don't find it as stiff as some people may think, it just works and feels great.
    RARamirez likes this.

  2. #12
    Senior Member RARamirez's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
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    I guess I'd say as a newbie; if your having trouble making lather, it might not be you. Play around with different brushes. You can't go wrong with having one $10 boar brush from cvs and seeing the difference between your nicer badger and the boar. And as you all say ymmv

    Thank you

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