I actually didn't pick anything on my razor, Larry did. However I am glad he picked a round point other wise I would have cut my leg to pieces trying to get the right angle.

Lathering is probably the hardest thing about shaving this way. I can't seem to get it just right. It's either to dry or to wet. I am sure I will master it in time but for now I will have hubby help me. He will add water if I need it and whip up more when I ask. My later never seems to last a whole leg so I end up needing to get more. I do shave in sections as suggested but that seems a bit of a challange because I always end up missing spots. Next I want to work on lathering in the shower to shave my underarms. No, I won't use my straight. I'm not even close to ready for that!

Ankles are not as frustrating for me. I got lucky and don't have a whole lot of hair there so I don't have to worry about chopping them to bits.