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Thread: First Try at the Straight Last Night

  1. #1
    Junior Member cdhumiston's Avatar
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    Default First Try at the Straight Last Night

    Well I attempted my first shave with the straight last night. It didn't go as well as planned. I was very apprehensive and too worried about cutting myself. So I just ended up doing both cheeks and the easy part of my neck. I finished up with my DE. I think I need to watch more videos on how to hold the razor and then find something that feels comfortable to me. I just felt like I couldn't get the angle right most of the shave.


  2. #2
    Learning, And Learning Fast
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    The More you shave with a straight, you don't even worry about cutting yourself. And personally when i was watching videos on how to shave with a straight i found it very uncomfortable to hold it the um... "traditional" way? I found my own way of holding the razor that is the most comfortable for myself. You'll get it.
    Always Leaning something new....

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    You did fine, it took me a week before a full shave.

  4. #4
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Default First Try at the Straight Last Night

    Time breeds comfort.

    You are off to a good start. Just keep practicing and focus on only one new thing each shave. There is a lot to learn...and tackling only one thing each time sets a manageable goal.

  5. #5
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdhumiston View Post
    Well I attempted my first shave with the straight last night. It didn't go as well as planned. I was very apprehensive and too worried about cutting myself. So I just ended up doing both cheeks and the easy part of my neck. I finished up with my DE. I think I need to watch more videos on how to hold the razor and then find something that feels comfortable to me. I just felt like I couldn't get the angle right most of the shave.

    Been there, done that. You're wise in not rushing the learning process. The best advice I could give is to remember this is to be enjoyed. This is something you want to do, not something you have to do. Once you get it mastered, you will get the best, most comfortable shaves of your life and you will also have the satisfaction of knowing you possess a skill relatively few people have.

    This video was the most helpful in my development: Chimensch's Shaving Video - YouTube

  • #6
    Senior Member Badgister's Avatar
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    I remember sweating bullets the first time I attempted to shave with a straight. I think the whole process took me about an hour to complete, and the results were not very good. As many have mentioned, with repetition you will gradually acquire comfort and it will eventually become second nature.

  • #7
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    Keep at it and before you know it you'll be a pro. Also, use BOTH hands. Learn both hands now and later you'll be glad that you did. Your off hand will be just as good as your strong hand.

  • #8
    Senior Member Mike1969's Avatar
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    I started the same way you did around a year ago. I shaved both cheeks and finished with my DE. It took me a couple of weeks before I started shaving my whole face with a straight razor. It also took my close to an hour to shave, now it takes me about 10 minutes or so.. Don't worry, once you get your technique down, it'll be a lot easier!!

  • #9
    Junior Member dynaman05's Avatar
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    Something that helped me. I had a cheap straight razor I knew was garbage (thanks to this site) that I picked up for cheap. I dulled it and used it to help figure out how to hold and use in those difficult spots, like the chin. It was great because I wouldn't cut my self and taught myself to watch for the rest of the blade! I also know that some places sell a plastic straight razor to scrape off that kind of shave cream that "removes" hair. Don't remember where I saw it at, but they are out there. Just another thought.
    OCDshaver likes this.

  • #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Don't consider it less than successful because you finished with your DE. In fact, if I were advising you during this period, I'd recommend the same thing. Do the cheek area for a while. Get comfortable. Then gradually expand and do more. You did what you are supposed to do, you quit when it got uncomfortable. Over time it won't be uncomfortable and you'll gain confidence. But any time you get freaked, put it down and finish with your DE. Congrats.

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