Everyone else has said here, it sounds like a combination of angle and pressure. One of the things that have helped me with switching razors everyday is keeping a log of my shaves. (yes, I am that OCD!). I list. The date of purchase, honing dates and most importantly the shave characteristics (closeness of shave, razor burn, nicks, slices...etc). Using this I have been able to alter my exact rotation to use razors in an order that has razors with similar characteristics following each other. For example, I don't try and use my Boker shoulderless full hollow 6/8 immediately after my W&B 8/8 Full Wedge. The razors in my opinion, do not shave similarly. One requires less of an angle and a bit more pressure.

I'm working on a log for Pre-shave lotions and oils; soaps and creams; and after shave treatments to try to maximize my comfort.