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Thread: irritating shave, grabby razor.

  1. #1
    Junior Member RonPopeil's Avatar
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    Default irritating shave, grabby razor.

    so this isn't my first time posting about this.

    i got a professionally honed razor from santa. from the start this razor was grabby. more grabby than other razors i own. this took me back as i was expecting a smooth shave. think feather blades on the double edge. i'm used to very smooth sharp razors that leave a bit of sting unless your technique is on.

    no matter what i do i can't get this razor to settle down. granted it's gotten worse over time maybe due to my poor stropping but even out of the box it's been a chore to handle. i'd rather not drop using the straight as i do enjoy it when it's comfortable and i do know it's the razor as i've another razor that works smooth as butter. that razor is a flea market find that i picked for $30. so you can see my distaste for a brand new "professionally sharpened" razor that sucks to use.

    how do i fix this and what could i be doing wrong?

    using castle forbes lavender which is awesome with the double edge with a feather blade and a gillette adjustable cranked to 7.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Sunbird's Avatar
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    It is confusing as to whether you are having problems with a straight razor or your Gillette adjustable cranked to 7.

  3. #3
    Junior Member RonPopeil's Avatar
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    fair enough. the gillette on 7 is smoother with a feather blade than this razor. at any angle it grabs. i'm sitting here with little blood dots from where it plucked my chin hairs out.

    fwiw i'd rather the gillette on scarey settings than this straight razor at all.

  4. #4
    ace is offline
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    Santa is well-known to be a lousy honer.

  5. #5
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    The blade likely wasnt shave ready. If you have a hone and know how to use it do so or send it out. A shave ready razor should glide over the face while removing stubble. Think almost true bbs xtg.

  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    Santa is well-known to be a lousy honer.

    Ace is actually being quite truthful and humorous here,
    When loved ones shop during the holidays they are apt to believe the part about "The razor was professionally honed at the factory" where we know this to not quite true.
    Also we don't even know the brand of razor here, there are a few less then honest vendors out there selling "Professionally Honed" Pakistaini RSO's and they make a killing at Christmas time. So much so that during Jan and Feb the first question I ask when I get a e-mail about honing a Christmas razor is "What Brand is it" so they don't waste the postage shipping me a bum razor

    A pic and/or more info would be very helpful here, before we all start recommeding fixes
    Last edited by gssixgun; 05-24-2013 at 06:30 PM.

  7. #7
    Junior Member RonPopeil's Avatar
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    The last time I mentioned the vendor she chose my thread was locked. Lets just say that she used a very reputable vendor who is closely affiliated with this board. All their razors are professionally honed not factory honed. That's all I'm willing to get into on the matter. I'm more interested in fixing this issue than starting an argument or bad mouthing a vendor.

    What sort of picture are required? The blade does not glide at all. I have to take short strokes with the grain. If I go too long of a stroke the blade grabs and plucks. Then I get little blood dots.

  8. #8
    evil brewer joeuke's Avatar
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    Yah, trust your own judgement. If it don't no shave you smooth, go to the hones. I've had a couple bought 'shave ready' that just weren't .
    Try a conservative hone sequence, then shave again. Better? If not go more aggressive on the hone (go to 1000 grit, set bevel).
    Try, try again. Tho some never seem to find (at least in my hands) that sweet shave.

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    contact the vendor. if they are a reputable firm they will at least try to fix it.

    Quote Originally Posted by RonPopeil View Post
    The last time I mentioned the vendor she chose my thread was locked. Lets just say that she used a very reputable vendor who is closely affiliated with this board. All their razors are professionally honed not factory honed. That's all I'm willing to get into on the matter. I'm more interested in fixing this issue than starting an argument or bad mouthing a vendor.

    What sort of picture are required? The blade does not glide at all. I have to take short strokes with the grain. If I go too long of a stroke the blade grabs and plucks. Then I get little blood dots.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Mike1969's Avatar
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    This is just one reason why I hone my own razors. What one person might think is sharp enough, may not be sharp enough for you. I've sent out a couple of razors to two different people for honing. When I got them back one was shave ready while the other was not. If you hone your own razors you can get them as sharp as you like.

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