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Thread: Rotation, almost rotation and repairs

  1. #31
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    I have been loving your work for some time.... I would like to see the shot of the desk as well...

  2. #32
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    That is impressive. Very nice collection.

  3. #33
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    Well OK but I'm sure you'll be disappointed. It's not a display piece, just a piece of furniture I have in my shop that holds all my stuff. I'll get a pic tonight for you guys.
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  4. #34
    Senior Member 1971Wedge's Avatar
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    Nice collection, it took me nearly 20 years to amass what I have, so you did it in two? I'm starting to thin the herd though....I used to set this stuff up for memory groups when I worked in a nursing home. The residents loved it.
    Now I'm just aiming for having a batch of razors in my shave rotation, it's been fun picking and choosing which ones I'm keeping.
    Happy collecting and thanks for sharing.

  5. #35
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    20 yrs ? Wow,, I can 't even imagine this in that time frame. I'll look like the TV show "Hoarders" except I'll be buried in shaving memorabilia.
    I don't quite qualify for being a senior citizen but I'm totally crazy about this stuff. The history, the things guys came up with, the design, ,, well ,, ALL OF IT.
    Of course with the work I do, and the things I collect, I'm not really suited for this century. Makes sense to me.
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  6. #36
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coachschaller View Post
    I have been loving your work for some time.... I would like to see the shot of the desk as well...

    See, it's not much but everything I showed , except for the cards of razor blades fits in here and there is room for more. I could fit them in, but I don't want to crease them as some have never been opened as they are counter displays with a cardboard 'wing' on the back. Sorta' like a picture frame.
    All the DE's fit in the upper part, the first drawer holds all the razors because i made trays that allow them to stack, brushes in the second drawer and all the rest in the bottom.
    It's 4 ft high, 18 " deep, and 28 " wide. My wife found it for 50 bucks , it sat in my shop, so I claimed it. My "photo booth" sits on top of it.

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    1971Wedge and dustoff003 like this.

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mycarver For This Useful Post:

    coachschaller (12-11-2012), dustoff003 (12-11-2012)

  8. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnrv501 View Post
    I thought that the 15grand I've spent on my now ending 8month Gillette RAD binge was outrageous, I see I am actually just fine and dandy! Though my SR collection topped 1500 at one time
    Without pictures, it didn't happen!

  9. #38
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    Oh , I'm sure you can easily spend that amount. But if I did, my collection would be at least 5 times the size considering what I've spent. It must be some very special pieces I'm sure. Then too , as I've said, i don't shop ebay nor am I buying custom razors. I look at the bay on occasion and my knees buckle. Almost makes me think I could do OK selling some things. But then I think again.

  10. #39
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    Added a few more to the collection yesterday,
    A T. Hessenbruch, Lee Mfg. Hugo Becher, Electric Cutlery, J.H. Flaggs,Challenge Cutlery Bridgeport,Castle, Worthington by Theo. Kochs,Simmons Hardware, W&B, American Steel, Wostenholm, Imperial, Bohler, no name and a Karl Engles.
    The aftershaves were just fun. The large blade display is complete and includes the original packaging, the small pack is missing one, the Burma-Shave was never used. The Gillette mirror is fun as well.

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  11. #40
    Senior Member 1971Wedge's Avatar
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    I'm guessing you branched out into safety razors too?

    My collecting frenzy was at it's peak probably in the early 90's in my college years, as I would go for long drives and cruise the local antiques and auctions. I think in my case the razors I got the farthest away from Ohio was in Palm Beach Florida, and Franklin, PA.

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