Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
CHeeta? you want yours to look like this AFTER your restoration?

That'll be an easy resto. Just hang it outside for the rest of the winter.

OH, EVERYBODY knows your hands are smaller than the one pictured.

Sharpton's right. If you ever decide to shoot muzzle loaders, those lancet razors are AWESOME patch knives.
I don't know what a patch knife is, but I do know my one year anniversary is approaching slowly so I deserve some presents. I'm def afraid to count the amount of razors that I've bought this last year. I forget what thread it was that I was reading but someone compared razors are to men like shoes/handbags are to women...LOL Of course after I declared that I wasn't going to buy any more razors I found 15 new ones on ebay that I have to have.Whats a cheetah to do.