Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
I can only speak to my circumstances. ...

But, being as I am a wealth of knowledge and information () it was thought I might still be involved in "advising" - giving input and suggestions/advice to the mods and seniors and admins on stuff that comes up, ...

So, to summarise, I kinda hang out with the mods ... and provide another perspective on things on occasion. I think Mike does the same thing, but in a more considered way! I think we are the only two Advisors, is that right Mike? ...
I bring a hammer. I suppose that I can tap softly if that's what Jimbo regards as "considered way." I think they stopped at two because beyond that is a critical mass and they didn't know what would happen. Now that I think if this, they keep us on opposite ends of the planet too, hmmm.

When I found myself finding doors to open into the backrooms of SRP I felt like this (it's longish but really there are several vignettes that remind me of those first heady days of Yuri Gagarin...):