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Thread: How to fit in here?

  1. #91
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    How to fit in here?

    Got a few pages on that now.

    Just sayin'.
    Shave the Lather...

  2. #92
    Senior Member KsStraightShaver's Avatar
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    I'm just glad you got a surgeon that could cut a straight line because apparently the nurse that drew the line was a little drunk possibly cross eyed. Hahaha!
    dinnermint, Marshal and hrfdez like this.

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  4. #93
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hrfdez View Post
    Thanks for the well wishes. Right now, I'm just sore and stiff as heck.

    I asked the doctor to shave my knee with a Vintage Wade, but instead he used cheap clippers. Needless to say, I was deeply offended, lol.....

    Attachment 242149
    Here's hoping you heal quickly, Hector ... And stick to your rehab!
    sharptonn, engine46 and hrfdez like this.

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  6. #94
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yea, with knee replacement the surgery is a piece of cake. It's the rehab that's the tough part and vital part.

    Heal well.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  8. #95
    Razorius Maximus hrfdez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KsStraightShaver View Post
    I'm just glad you got a surgeon that could cut a straight line because apparently the nurse that drew the line was a little drunk possibly cross eyed. Hahaha!
    That was a prior injury. The surgeon thought he could use that same route for the replacement, but it was easier to go straight down the fairway :-)

  9. #96
    Razorius Maximus hrfdez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Yea, with knee replacement the surgery is a piece of cake. It's the rehab that's the tough part and vital part.

    Heal well.
    Say that again. The stretches are so painful right now that I can feel my abs getting a workout also, lol......

    You are right, got to work hard regardless of the pain. Thanks for the well wishes :-)
    Geezer and engine46 like this.

  10. #97
    Razorius Maximus hrfdez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinnermint View Post
    I'd send all my blades to him if his razors can do that!
    Too late, Lynn already asked me and I humbly declined, hahaha!
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  11. #98
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    During my 25 years on the job I was called every profane word there is; some of the words I had to have people explain to me the meaning.
    I had men threaten my life, to kill my family, my dog (didn't have one), burn my house down with my family in it. This never bothered me.

    But one day a man called me something that has bothered me since. He stood up & uttered a challange to a couple of fellow officers who were going to take him into custody. I told them to back away & I would deal with the individual. I walked up to him, he looked at me, rolled his eyes and said to me, "Go sit your Winnie The Pooh a$$ down !" I stopped dead in my tracks & all my fellow officers started laughing.

    The individual started laughing at me too. He gave up without a fight.

    Lost my street cred that day.
    I will be using that at work sometime in the next week.

    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    You know what, may be Str8Up has a valid point and I should have been much more forgiving towards a person with mental illness.
    However, I have a pretty nice and comfortable middle class life without having to face difficult situations like this and I don't have the training or skills to properly deal with such individuals. So, I take the easy way out - do what I think is reasonable for a normal person, try to go a bit beyond leaning towards forgiveness and another chances and then I give up.

    It would have been really helpful if people like Str8Up who have the passion to help such people can pitch in - when they see somebody with problems they can befriend them, offer support and guidance, help me understand in what way I could do better, and whatever else may be necessary. Perhaps then things could indeed go differently.

    Strangely enough Str8Up chose a very different and rather counterproductive approach that frankly puzzles me. May be it is another case of being harsh on a person with a mental illness, may be it isn't, but either way those who want things handled differently have two options - jump in and help prevent these things from escalating to a ban, or get a different forum administrator who is more capable than me in dealing with the mentally ill.
    Honestly buddy, I think you did what you had to do. The forum has rules and they're no secret. And the user in question was given multiple chances to straighten up. Maybe it would be worth consideration the idea to lift his ban just once more, and perhaps hash it out with him to see if there are areas of the forum that he can function and only allow him access to those? Just a thought, since it did seem like you guys have the ability to limit users to certain areas. Just an off the cuff suggestion since it seemed you weren't entirely happy with the outcome yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by dinnermint View Post
    I'm the kind of guy that curses more than average. It is something that my father and I enabled each other growing up. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't swore when complementing some of great work we see here.
    Yea, bad habit I picked up at the shop. And being part of the younger generation that Jimmy references doesn't help. Strange the differences just a few generations can make eh? To my grandmother such language was strictly verboten. My mother may let a foul word slip here or there. Me? They're just another word in the dialect, and I am quite fluent in asterisk.

    Honestly I'm surprised it hasn't gotten me in trouble here like it does just about everywhere else. Particularly with threads that get me worked up. I had to recuse myself from one thread because I'd broken the usual decorum already, and knew it was only going to get worse if I continued checking that thread out. Sometimes the best option is to simply take a deep breath, walk away, and let it go.

    I'm not one to shy away from discussions of politics though. Honestly these things need to be discussed, and I don't think it right to fear broaching the topic. I think the largest reason that we have so much trouble talking about these things is simply because no one ever does. Thus we don't know how. Somehow we've lost sight of the fact that it's actually OK for people to have a different opinion on a topic than us. We've forgotten how to have civilized discourse, and agree to disagree should it become apparent that neither side will cede. And I think that's because it's in vogue to keep to shallow and light/airy topics of conversation that either everyone can agree on, or simply will not have a strong opinion of.

    And now I'm just sort of rambling so...on to other things!
    dinnermint likes this.

  12. #99
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal View Post
    Maybe it would be worth consideration the idea to lift his ban just once more, and perhaps hash it out with him to see if there are areas of the forum that he can function and only allow him access to those? Just a thought, since it did seem like you guys have the ability to limit users to certain areas. Just an off the cuff suggestion since it seemed you weren't entirely happy with the outcome yourself.
    No, at this point his ban is permanent. I am never happy with such an outcome and I am willing to give people chances to correct whatever the issue is, but they have to want it too. He tried twice the restriction from the topics that cause him problem and that didn't help.

    He did not start this thread to learn how to fit in here, he started it because he thought I am a liar and he is a victim of political persecution. He had enough opportunities to change and he blew them all, if that was caused by his mental illness as he says he needs to get qualified help not forum access.
    Prahston, Marshal and hrfdez like this.

  13. #100
    Razorius Maximus hrfdez's Avatar
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    Personally, I don't talk about those issues with people I don't know. Even as I share an interest with a group that doesn't make us friends and I'm not going to get in an argument with faceless individuals, that's just my facts.

    I visit these sites to get information not to aggravate myself. Like I used to say, to have a hard time, I just go to work. Not visiting these sites have zero impact in my lifestyle/hobby, none.

    I have made a couple of friends in this journey, and even then, the last thing we talk about is trivial stuff.

    I don't get it when people argue about razors, brushes, etc. I think is silly, but that's me, you'll never have that problem with me, I just won't engage. Too much sensitivity IMO.

    Having said that, I try to enjoy the place, if I don't, I just leave, not a big deal.

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