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Thread: How to fit in here?

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    On the bright side, I've never been called "f**" before.
    During my 25 years on the job I was called every profane word there is; some of the words I had to have people explain to me the meaning.
    I had men threaten my life, to kill my family, my dog (didn't have one), burn my house down with my family in it. This never bothered me.

    But one day a man called me something that has bothered me since. He stood up & uttered a challange to a couple of fellow officers who were going to take him into custody. I told them to back away & I would deal with the individual. I walked up to him, he looked at me, rolled his eyes and said to me, "Go sit your Winnie The Pooh a$$ down !" I stopped dead in my tracks & all my fellow officers started laughing.

    The individual started laughing at me too. He gave up without a fight.

    Lost my street cred that day.
    Last edited by Hirlau; 07-28-2016 at 06:11 PM.
    lz6, Geezer, oldsCool and 15 others like this.

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  3. #22
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Up View Post
    This is textbook mental illness discrimination and I refuse to be a part of a community made up of ignorant and Hitler like admins.
    You know what, may be Str8Up has a valid point and I should have been much more forgiving towards a person with mental illness.
    However, I have a pretty nice and comfortable middle class life without having to face difficult situations like this and I don't have the training or skills to properly deal with such individuals. So, I take the easy way out - do what I think is reasonable for a normal person, try to go a bit beyond leaning towards forgiveness and another chances and then I give up.

    It would have been really helpful if people like Str8Up who have the passion to help such people can pitch in - when they see somebody with problems they can befriend them, offer support and guidance, help me understand in what way I could do better, and whatever else may be necessary. Perhaps then things could indeed go differently.

    Strangely enough Str8Up chose a very different and rather counterproductive approach that frankly puzzles me. May be it is another case of being harsh on a person with a mental illness, may be it isn't, but either way those who want things handled differently have two options - jump in and help prevent these things from escalating to a ban, or get a different forum administrator who is more capable than me in dealing with the mentally ill.

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

    engine46 (08-20-2016), Geezer (07-28-2016), MikeT (07-29-2016), Phrank (07-29-2016), Utopian (07-28-2016)

  5. #23
    Senior Member Ullmencott's Avatar
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    When working as a apprentice in the late 60īs I had a teacher that told us: " When you set the foot ashore in a foreign land, remember that your acts and words can judge a whole nation. Therefore act and behave as an ambassador for your country."
    Since this is a forum for people from the whole world, we all have our thoughts and believes politicaly and religious, we all have to think of the way we treat other people

  6. #24
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Up View Post

    I should have listened to the folks over at B&B when they said SRP is being run by a bunch of ass holes and the core members are a bunch of ass kissers.
    What's B&B?
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    Into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown ~ Jim Morrison

  7. #25
    Senior Member KsStraightShaver's Avatar
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    Bed an breakfast duh. I'm just kidding it is badger & blade it's another wet shaving forum. Supposedly the people over there are nicer than ours but I have no idea about that.

  8. #26
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Gugi, you can't fix the world and the idea that everything must bend and mold to fit all of the corner cases is absurd in my book. Mental illness should be respected but in order for one to operate productively in society, one must operate productively. Thanks for helping to keep this forum productive.

    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    You know what, may be Str8Up has a valid point and I should have been much more forgiving towards a person with mental illness.
    However, I have a pretty nice and comfortable middle class life without having to face difficult situations like this and I don't have the training or skills to properly deal with such individuals. So, I take the easy way out - do what I think is reasonable for a normal person, try to go a bit beyond leaning towards forgiveness and another chances and then I give up.

    It would have been really helpful if people like Str8Up who have the passion to help such people can pitch in - when they see somebody with problems they can befriend them, offer support and guidance, help me understand in what way I could do better, and whatever else may be necessary. Perhaps then things could indeed go differently.

    Strangely enough Str8Up chose a very different and rather counterproductive approach that frankly puzzles me. May be it is another case of being harsh on a person with a mental illness, may be it isn't, but either way those who want things handled differently have two options - jump in and help prevent these things from escalating to a ban, or get a different forum administrator who is more capable than me in dealing with the mentally ill.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to kelbro For This Useful Post:

    rolodave (07-28-2016)

  10. #27
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    On the bright side, I've never been called "*****" before.
    If I had a nickle.....................
    Last edited by Druid; 07-28-2016 at 03:51 PM.

  11. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, when I banned the unhappy miscreant I deleted the relevant post, but restored it in spite of gross vulgarity for future reference. So that members could see why he was banned. It wasn't the insulting rhetoric, or the comments on SRP as opposed to another forum. That was perfectly within the rules.

    He got himself banned because of the VULGARITY. Since then other members have quoted the F word that he used. Technically they are subject to discipline but under the circumstances of this particular thread it is overlooked.

    From here on out it will not be tolerated. This isn't B&B. If someone wants to be in the gutter go over there and wallow in it.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  12. #29
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    And I apologize for my inappropriate language. I knew it was against the rules but sort of felt like responding in kind with his language. Honestly, I sort of justified going to the gutter because I figured it would be deleted pretty quickly.

    BobH, engine46, Druid and 2 others like this.

  13. #30
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    And I apologize for my inappropriate language. I knew it was against the rules but sort of felt like responding in kind with his language. Honestly, I sort of justified going to the gutter because I figured it would be deleted pretty quickly.


    And I'm sorry for quoting it.... But, it did make me laugh how often I had been called just that! As I mentioned, I had some rough edges in the past, but I'm heading for a stone right now to round off a few more.

    Seriously though... I'll be a bit more careful in the future..
    jmercer, engine46 and MikeT like this.

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