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  1. #41
    Retired Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    We are looking at a better integration between PM / Classified / discussion, but as it stands now, the old BST is not coming back.
    As a mere user, all I say is THANK YOU!

  2. #42
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    Id like to join in with the ones befor and those to come and say thankyou mods and others. You do an awsome jobe and now i can see the logic in doing it this way. It is a good system, just need to get used to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    The thing about the BST was that is was more cosy and friendly. But that was when the number of members was less than now.

    At the end, the number of threads per day became so large that it took a long time to browse through them, and you never knew what was for sale and what not.
    The majority of the posts also amounted to nothing more than 'wish I had money', 'I am tempted', 'glad I am not tempted anymore' and 'good deal'. Not that useful, all in all.

    We are looking at a better integration between PM / Classified / discussion, but as it stands now, the old BST is not coming back.
    I did not think of this, it did take time sometimes to look through BST. With thing you can skim and find what you WANT to look at quickly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bart View Post
    A good point. I didn't consider that when I posted my thoughts about this. I'm sure with a few adjustments to connect the Classifieds section a bit more to the rest of the SRP activity, the Classifieds can gain a lot of appeal. I'd like to express my full confidence in the people that are thinking and working behind the scenes to continuously make SRP a better place. And it is already such a fine place!

    Once again +1 on this.


  3. #43
    Amateur Knife Collector chibbi's Avatar
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    Why can't I place an ad in the classifieds section ?

    I follow all the steps and fill in all the boxes, but when I press submit, it looks like it is loading the pictures, but then it just returns to the start page without the ad appearing ?!

    Never had these problems with the old B/S/T forum.

  4. #44
    Doc is offline
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    try reducing the size of your pictures.

  5. #45
    Senior Member Steelforge's Avatar
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    Well, I just received 2x Nigerian scam emails in response to adverts placed in the Classified section. This has never happened to me before, it's a fresh email account too which has never had spam sent to it.

    Thanks SRP.

    Maestro Livi SS Loom Strop (UK/EU only)

    [email protected]
    From Madam Rita Meash.
    11,Rue des Jean Paul
    Abidjan, Cte D'Ivoire.

    My Dear,

    It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I and my Sons George and Henry intend to establish in your country.Though I have not met with you before but I believe one has to risk confiding in succeed sometimes in life.
    I can confide on you for the brighter future of my children since you are a human being like me. There is this huge amount of Eight Million united states dollars. ($ $8 million which my late Husband kept for us in a Security Company here in Abidjan Cote D'ivoire before he was assasinated by unknown persons.Now I and my Sons George and Henry have decided to invest these money in your country or anywhere safe enough for security and political reasons.

    We want you to help us claim and retrieve these fund from the Security company and transfer it into your personal account in your country for investment purposes on these areas:
    1). Telecommunication
    2). the transport industry
    3). Five star hotel
    4). Real Estate

    If you can be of an assistance to us we will be pleased to offer to you 20 % of the total fund.

    I await your soonest response.

    Respectfully yours
    Mrs Rita Meash.

    Can whomever mods this forum now, please delete my SRP account as soon as possible?



  6. #46
    Senior Member ByronTodd's Avatar
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    That person actually JOINED srp. They did not and no one can blindly send anything to anyone via the Classifieds *without* joining (starting a new account and verifying their email address.)

    They were banned earlier due to spamming in a forum post, but they must have spammed via PMs and emails before getting the boot. In other words, they did not get your email address - unless you responded to either email.

  7. #47
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    [quote=Steelforge;260412]Well, I just received 2x Nigerian scam emails in response to adverts placed in the Classified section. This has never happened to me before, it's a fresh email account too which has never had spam sent to it.

    Thanks SRP.

    In todays cyber world, this can happen ANYWHERE. It's kind of really tuff to swallow the blaming of SRP for it. The person joined(which anyone can do without being investigated by the CIA) then was banned for what he did. THANKS BT.

    This is still the best place for those of us that love everything shaving and we have the best of the best helpng us and the best admins we could ask for. These people give freely of their time and services and I find ir hard to just blame them for some idiot that goes out and spams.
    Having Fun Shaving

  8. #48
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    It's true. Once you place your contact information on the internet, expect to be contacted
    Find me on SRP's official chat in ##srp on Freenode. Link is at top of SRP's homepage

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelforge View Post

    Can whomever mods this forum now, please delete my SRP account as soon as possible?


    Hey Iwan,

    take it easy mate. This can happen to any of us.
    With your post count, you've obviously spend some great times on SRP.
    Don't trow that away because some stupid fraud send you a scam e-mail.

    I'm sure I speak on behalf of many members, saying we 'd hate to see you go, because of this.


  10. #50
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    First, I gotta say thanks! I haven't visited in a while, and the place looks AWESOME!!!

    Now, I haven't actually formed an opinion of it, since I haven't had the opportunity to actually see it in use, and use it myself all that much yet, but I would like to make a couple comments.

    Quote Originally Posted by BeBerlin View Post
    Pros and cons weighed up, the Classifieds win. Hands down, and all that.
    I'm not sure what you mean - I see the Pros, and I see the Cons (many of them anyway), but simply based on this thread, I can't see either side winning "hands down". The overwhelming negative feedback from members alone is enough to give an advantage to B/S/T.

    Quote Originally Posted by Byron Todd
    For the record, and I don't have the exact numbers, the Classifieds are seeing more traffic than BST did.

    From the webhosting / bandwidth side, the advantages of Classifieds in handling that extra traffic is outweighing the traffic overload that the BST would have caused on the rest of the forum.
    Is this due to Bots, and/or hits from the RSS subscribers that may or may not actually be paying attention to the posts? Or real member traffic? Or is there a way to differentiate? Just wondering.

    Again, the place looks great!

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