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  1. #21
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    If the only sentiment that you have to offer is "+1," that is, that you agree with some other post, then what is the point in bothering to point it out?
    Here's an example where I see it being a big help- the Workshop threads. Lots of times a new guy will post a question. He might get three responses- one with correct information, one with ridiculously incorrect information, and one that contains a bad idea. How is he supposed to figure it out without everyone else chiming in by saying the same thing over and over again? With a +1 feature, that's how. If the correct information post receives 4 +1's and the incorrect information post receives 3 -1's then he can make a well informed decision.

  2. #22
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philadelph View Post
    Here's an example where I see it being a big help- the Workshop threads. Lots of times a new guy will post a question. He might get three responses- one with correct information, one with ridiculously incorrect information, and one that contains a bad idea. How is he supposed to figure it out without everyone else chiming in by saying the same thing over and over again? With a +1 feature, that's how. If the correct information post receives 4 +1's and the incorrect information post receives 3 -1's then he can make a well informed decision.
    But that same concept applies in other parts of the forum. In your example, those people who knew enough to declare +1 should have pointed out the reasons against the incorrect and bad information. That would be much more informative than simply leading people to believe the idea with the most votes is the right one. Sometimes it's not so black and white. That's why I'd prefer elaboration, because it furthers the discussion. It's like the difference between between hearing a speech versus hearing a debate. The give and take of the discussion brings out more information.

  3. #23
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidneykidney View Post

    Now come on! I know you can elaborate on that!

  4. #24
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Another example why a +1 button makes sense (similar):

    If you visit the Newbie corner there are often questions asked by newbies who know nothing about straight razor shaving. Say someone comes along and gives great advice. How is the newbie gonna know its good advice? He doesnt know anything about it! Do you seriously want 5 other people posting the same advice? (i've seen it happen!) If I see good advice in a newbie thread guess what- I would like to add my weight behind it. If I disagree I would say so and why. But this example shows why a +1 button would be useful.

    Old_School- If you dont like the buttons, dont use them. I for one DO pay attention to the +1s. I pay more attention to the 'Thanks's though. Thats why a similar '+1' idea is more helpful.
    Last edited by sidneykidney; 11-09-2008 at 04:22 AM.

  5. #25
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    That would be much more informative than simply leading people to believe the idea with the most votes is the right one.
    I think you sill have your head in the election frame of mind here. I credit SRP members here enough to know that my opinion is only as valid as anyone elses. I also credit people enough to be able to make their own minds up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I'd prefer elaboration, because it furthers the discussion. It's like the difference between between hearing a speech versus hearing a debate.
    Now you are DEFINITELY in the election frame of mind! In any of these debates that you refer to have you never agreed/disagreed with the speaker? How long would the debate take if everyone in the room stood up and had their say. Hell sometimes I dont want to say more than 'I agree'. And the very fact that you seem to demand a response more than a '+1' suddenly seems to be infringing on my freedom of speech!

  6. #26
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    In your example, those people who knew enough to declare +1 should have pointed out the reasons against the incorrect and bad information. That would be much more informative than simply leading people to believe the idea with the most votes is the right one. Sometimes it's not so black and white. That's why I'd prefer elaboration, because it furthers the discussion. It's like the difference between between hearing a speech versus hearing a debate. The give and take of the discussion brings out more information.
    Very good point! I never thought about that... outside of my own NOT wanting to elaborate when it's something I have probably posted before in a different thread lol.

  7. #27
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philadelph View Post
    Very good point! I never thought about that... outside of my own NOT wanting to elaborate when it's something I have probably posted before in a different thread lol.
    Yeah, sometimes I get tempted to just say, "read the old posts, that's how we got so smart!"

  8. #28
    Bladed Valkyrie Silver's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Good Idea!

    Thanks Sir Sidney. I like the idea myself. Those who wish to elaborate further can do so, but those that just want to reinforce good information also have the option to do just that.

  9. #29
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Here is a perfect example of the old posts not really being relevant... Sometimes!!!!
    One word "Shapton" go back much farther than 8 months and you won't find much to read at all, and because they are a fairly new thing on the forum, opinions on their use is actually evolving as we go....
    This is a perfect example of where a +1 button would be a good thing...
    However conceding Utopians point that it might reduce dialog does worry me but +1 and an added comment would be fine..
    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-09-2008 at 04:37 AM.

  10. #30
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidneykidney View Post
    I think you sill have your head in the election frame of mind here. I credit SRP members here enough to know that my opinion is only as valid as anyone elses. I also credit people enough to be able to make their own minds up.

    Now you are DEFINITELY in the election frame of mind! In any of these debates that you refer to have you never agreed/disagreed with the speaker? How long would the debate take if everyone in the room stood up and had their say. Hell sometimes I dont want to say more than 'I agree'. And the very fact that you seem to demand a response more than a '+1' suddenly seems to be infringing on my freedom of speech!
    Guilty! I started out with a lecture analogy but switched it.

    Regarding the validity of your posts, I assume yours to be more valid than that of a newbie with a dozen posts under his belt. A +1 tally would not reflect that. If you elaborate on your agreement, and if you know what you are talking about, it is likely to come across in your post and will lend credibility to the original post to which you are agreeing.

    Regarding having one's say, there is no requirement that everyone reading a post has to respond to it. Generally when I read a post from a newbie asking a question, if it is has not been answered and I think I can help, I will answer it. On the other hand, if I read someone else's answer and I agree with it entirely, I just let it go because it has been asked and answered. On the other other hand, if I feel that I can add something to the answer, or give a different take on it, or if I flat out disagree with it, then I will certainly explain my disagreement. In this current thread, everyone was agreeing with the original post of yours. I threw a wrench into it and got further discussion going. I will have no objection if a plus one button is added but I thought I'd voice my opinion about it.


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