I personally can't understand any motivation to sell a razor that I haven't shaved with. My first razor was a Dovo Classic Special. Being the independent sort I am, I figured I'd buy a DMT D8EE, a linen strop, and a leather strop, and jump in with both feet. It took me a while to figure out that there was a big difference between barely cutting a hanging hair on a single portion of the blade and being shave ready.

Now that I hone all of my own razors and they provide me with a close, comfortable shave, I'm okay with saying that a razor I sell is "Shave Ready" because in every case, I have been shaving with it, and before I sell a razor I'll touch it up, then shave with it again to make sure that I personally can stand to shave with it.

As a side note, in a month or so after my birthday when I have a little extra cash, I'd love to send a razor to a reputable honemeister for a review...