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Thread: Savon le Père Lucien (Le Père Lucien Soap)

  1. #31
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Thanks for the review and the video's.

    When I get back to the house today am going to have a look at grabbing some, seems to have been very well received!

    And the video was excellent! Some great technique there, going to have to watch it a few more times, great example of a scything pass!


  2. #32
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    Great review. I received my pot of Le Pere Lucien soap a couple of days ago. I haven't tried it yet, but will be using to tomorrow - will be the perfect companion to my W&B 9/8 wedge restore that I finished last week.
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  3. #33
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    I used this soap for the first time today I pick up easily on French Lavender, Rosemary, Oakmoss, is a Fougere if I'm not mistaken and a really good one at that. IMHO way better that MdC just based upon a cost to performance comparison it beats the pants of MdC. I was shocked at how little it took to make such a slick and fragrant lather. Every time I thought I was about to over hydrate I realized I was actually making a better lather ! go figure any other soap I would be complaining it is a water hog wheras this soap I am smiling saying to myself wow it is even slicker and better ! IDK Cyril has done an mazing job with LPL and his next soap has some pretty big shoe to fill. The only regret I have is getting the 100g SS cauldron style pot where now I wish I got the 200g...... hind sight is 20/20.
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  4. #34
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    It is better than MDC IMO
    One tired old Marine- semper fi, god bless all vets

  5. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubancigar2000 View Post
    It is better than MDC IMO
    MDC is great, great soap. But I often think that it's given more credit than it's due. There are soaps that are slicker and more protective. SPL is one such example in my opinion. MDC lathers like no other but ther are others that have other qualities that MDC does not have. All of them great but there are equals to MDC.

  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmsodpc View Post
    ok so i used this soap. the scent is somewhat similar to the original martin de candre scent. the coloring is an off white similar to mdc. the lathering is really easy and pleasant. the firmness of this soap is different than martin de candre....MDC is a bit harder and this lucien soap is more croap-like. the steel tin seems nice but the lid is a bit tough to put on and off....not a big deal but i have to get my nails under the lid to almost pry it open. i suppose this would be good for travel since the lid stays on easily without becoming ajar. overall i think this is a nice item to add to one's den. the label is nice but i think a waterproof label would be a bit nicer...i just try to keep the lid away from water. i am not sure if i would replace my mdc with this soap...but i wouldnt blame you if you did.
    First try with this soap, LPL Le Savon du Barbier 200gr tin, and would have to agree jmsodpc. I think it is in the same class as MdC but a better value price wise. I am not to sure how much better, if any, LPL is compared to the RR King of the Castle lime hard soap I have been using the past week. The MdC, LPL and RR King of the Castle lime hard soap are all good soaps so for me it boils down to price, scent aside. You can't go far wrong with any of them.

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  7. #37
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    I do agree that the lid is a pain to get off but worth the effort
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    One tired old Marine- semper fi, god bless all vets

  8. #38
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    First shave with the Le Pére Lucien Traditional Scent Shaving Soap, and I have to say, easily one of the best soaps I have ever tried - hands down.

    Scent was out of this world once lathered, a uniquely complex, rich and beautiful aroma, lather was fantastic and easy to generate, and it felt wonderful on the face.

    There has been lots of lists with members Top Ten Shaving Soaps, and I'm starting to get to the point of literally paring down all my soaps to ten or under, and storing the rest for the occasional use. I like to rotate my soaps, but I'm getting to the point that I don't want to be bound by the notion of a rotation, there just aren't enough shaves.....

    For me, the Le Pére Lucien Shaving Soap rivals Castle Forbes Lavender, MDC, XPEC, MWF all the heavy hitters - this one is worth a try in my opinion, stellar soap.

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