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Thread: Proraso, my way...Taming the beast.

  1. #1
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    Default Proraso, my way...Taming the beast.

    Proraso has been difficult for me to use.
    I love the different scents but up 'till recently I've had a problem lathering.

    Here's how I fixed it !!

    1. Green, white and red.
    Name:  01-1.png
Views: 369
Size:  128.3 KB

    2. I bought a cheap ($4.99 from Target) ceramic bowl with what is known as a "snurgler".
    Maybe it was intended as a cheese bowl and cutter ?
    Anyway, scrape a bit of your preferred soap on to your snurgling-device.

    Name:  01-2.png
Views: 383
Size:  184.6 KB

    3. I then "smudged" the soap into the side of the bowl with my thumb.
    Name:  01-3.png
Views: 367
Size:  196.3 KB

    4. After that, swish away and no problems !!
    Name:  01-4.png
Views: 376
Size:  149.4 KB

    By all means, any criticisms, let me know
    Last edited by bongo; 10-08-2013 at 03:17 PM.
    kettlebell and TaipeiJake like this.

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    Hayzee (10-08-2013)

  3. #2
    Senior Member kettlebell's Avatar
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    "Snurgler", that's funny Great idea. Proraso is also a great soap to mix with other soaps if you want a little menthol kick. One of the combinations I like is Green Proraso and Speick. Also, I remember some SRP Thread that had a bunch of people making "snurgler's", can't seem to find it. Maybe someone will include it.
    bongo likes this.
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  5. #3
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kettlebell View Post
    "Snurgler", that's funny Great idea. Proraso is also a great soap to mix with other soaps if you want a little menthol kick. One of the combinations I like is Green Proraso and Speick. Also, I remember some SRP Thread that had a bunch of people making "snurgler's", can't seem to find it. Maybe someone will include it.
    Kettlebell, I just looked up "snurgler" and it has a whole different meaning in the urban dictionary.....
    You could probably get arrested for this practice in some countries !!....or at least exiled.

    Proraso is a nice soap though, all three varieties.

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  6. #4
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    Good call Bongo, i did the exact same thing this morning after resorting to mixing it with TOBS sandalwood cream because of lathering problems.
    Hot distilled water and scrap it into a bowl instead of loading the brush and shazam, though it did take a fair bit of water.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Hayzee For This Useful Post:

    bongo (10-08-2013)

  8. #5
    Senior Member kettlebell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bongo View Post
    Kettlebell, I just looked up "snurgler" and it has a whole different meaning in the urban dictionary.....
    You could probably get arrested for this practice in some countries !!....or at least exiled.

    Proraso is a nice soap though, all three varieties.

    HA...that makes it even more funny
    A man should only look in the mirror when he shaves.

  9. #6
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    You gents may want to search 'snurdler'
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  10. The Following User Says Thank You to JoeSomebody For This Useful Post:

    bongo (10-10-2013)

  11. #7
    Senior Member kettlebell's Avatar
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    I found's the "Snurdle" Thread.
    A man should only look in the mirror when he shaves.

  12. #8
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    Hmmm, Proraso is one of the most user friendly soaps out there, so I'm not sure what you were doing "wrong". Most of us load the brush directly in the tub, and as long as you load it well you should be able to get tons of lather. But hey, if what you're doing is working for you then go for it.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

    bongo (10-10-2013)

  14. #9
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    Apologies to all, Snurdle, not Snurgle .
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  15. #10
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    I'm actually quite suprised you're having trouble with Proraso. I've had the least lather problems with it out of any soap I've tried, (although the new formula is harder to work with than the old stuff), It's my "go to" soap. MWF on the other hand.......
    You could also try soaking the puck, and face lathering if you already haven't. I also use fairly hot water. Your way is a first for me, glad to see something's working for you, as Proraso is a good cheap soap that smells great with a nice cooling effect.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Firefighter2 For This Useful Post:

    bongo (10-10-2013)

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