I am glad you gentlemen appreciate my soap/cream reviews. As for Proraso, I have always used their soaps since the day I started shaving (that is, a long long time ago) and in my den I have always had a tub of their soap, at those times, only the green one was available.
I have never considered Proraso a top performing soap, a good soap for its price, but not the best. I must admit the new formulas have improved performance quite a lot and now I changed my mind.
However, of the four soaps/creams (green, white, red and blue) it seems to me the green one is the less performing of the four, leaving the skin a little dry. It is not a matter of tube or tub, as I get the same result with the green cream which is also sold in a tube.
The discriminating ingredient seems to be aloe, which is found in red, blue and white creams/soaps whereas it is not used for green cream/soap.
However, here in Italy it is not that easy to find blue, red and white soaps or creams, whereas the green ones are available everywhere. I don't know why, but it seems easier to find red, white and blue outside Italy. The price is however very good, at least in Italy, where you usually pay for a 150ml tub or tube something ranging from 1.60 to 3.50 euros.
As for new Proraso products, here in Italy it recently appeared in shelves a yellow canned foam, a product I don't use at all. It seems to have cocoa butter in it and vitamin E.