MWF is one of my favorites. Needs lots of water and keep whipping it. I love the way the brush blooms when full of good lather.

For me half the fun is experimenting with all the variables. Get a soap you think might like and learn it before try a different one. I read the forums to get insight and then do my own hands on. There is nothing like whipping up a batch and squeeze it, mash it, rub it to get a feel for what it really can do. If you don't like the results dump it and try another method. With any new soap I try several methods from a full brush soak to just wetting the tips too lots or little water before I even try to shave with it. Awhile back I started using a measuring spoon to get a feel for just how much water each soap needs. Now I'm getting a good eye for what is needed for good consistency without a measure.