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Thread: The Obie Memorial First Tier Soaps and Creams Thread.

  1. #661
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Like I said don't worry about the burlap bag of Saffron it's really poor quality stuff not suitable for cooking or anything really.

    I got my shipment directly from Italy so it was packed differently. I got a letter from the maker and that burlap bag and another small sample envelope with more saffron packaged as a touristy type thing.
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  3. #662
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    With my order of Abbate Y La Mantia, I also ordered a tube of PannaCrema shave soap. I had wanted to try this soap for a while, so this was the right opportunity. Mine is the vetiver scent.

    This soap is surprisingly good. Cushion and glide are quality. The soap lathers well, although you need to load it heavily. The scent is earthy and clean. PannaCrema reminds of La Cigale, the modestly priced French artisan soap that is a delight.

    CremmoCrema is modestly priced, and available at the Italian Barber, in Canada. I have it in the Second Tier. Good stuff.
    Last edited by Obie; 09-06-2016 at 03:25 AM.

  4. #663
    Senior Member mlucassr's Avatar
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    Yes, I found that to but good as well CremmoCrema I took a chance on it as well I like the fresh clean scent,with touch earth I used more to start had no problem, once again great minds thing alike......but give you the edge Obie because you much more of a handsome gent then I am

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  5. #664
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    I was not that pleased with Cremo Cream shave soap and donated it. A lot of loading, a lot of water and a lot of whipping. It was a good shave but I was not impressed like other first tier soaps. I am a finicky user and not a greatest gauge. wink wink

    I understand that it is excellent with hard water but I have not tested that. It is all over the Internet.

    Their Cremo Moisturizer is first tier aftershave for me.

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    Shave the Lather...

  6. #665
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I normally am not too fussy about shave creams and soap but I have my limits too. CremmoCrema shave cream was not good enough to make the cut and was given away. As a component of an uber lather it had it's uses. OTH I have enough soaps and creams that work well enough on their own without help so why should I go to the trouble of uber lathering.

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  7. #666
    Senior Member mlucassr's Avatar
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    I can understand that, if you don't like it, you just don't like it, I dig that sometimes some items in the tiers may not match your preference, like C/S Oxford & Cambridge the scent,and feel is not that great to me and CremmoCrema is not a top tier software more second tier for me, good last minute travel soap

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  8. #667
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmercer View Post
    I was not that pleased with Cremo Cream shave soap and donated it. A lot of loading, a lot of water and a lot of whipping. It was a good shave but I was not impressed like other first tier soaps. I am a finicky user and not a greatest gauge. wink wink

    I understand that it is excellent with hard water but I have not tested that. It is all over the Internet.

    Their Cremo Moisturizer is first tier aftershave for me.

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    We are talking about two different products. Cremo Crema cream, to which you allude, is not the same as PannaCrema soap in my post. I have tried Cremo Crema and found it mediocre. PannaCrema soap, on the other hand, is made in Italy, and it's quite good. Here is the link:

    PannaCrema Shaving Soap - Vetiver – ItalianBarber
    BanjoTom, jmercer and hrfdez like this.

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  10. #668
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by mlucassr View Post
    I can understand that, if you don't like it, you just don't like it, I dig that sometimes some items in the tiers may not match your preference, like C/S Oxford & Cambridge the scent,and feel is not that great to me and CremmoCrema is not a top tier software more second tier for me, good last minute travel soap

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    No I don't place soaps/creams in tiers. They just either easily work or they don't. The vast majority I have tried work just fine for me. That is why I said I am not fussy about soaps and creams in general. I'd just as soon use Arko as MdC as both work well for me.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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  12. #669
    Senior Member mlucassr's Avatar
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    Yes, my fault I like Panna Cream, I agree , thanks for the clarification

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  14. #670
    Senior Member mlucassr's Avatar
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    Your preference, like individuality...nice

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  15. The Following User Says Thank You to mlucassr For This Useful Post:

    Obie (08-31-2016)

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