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Thread: Best sandalwood

  1. #11
    Senior Member AKmik's Avatar
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    I love the TOBS sandalwood soap, and Proraso red.

    Don't like the TOBS sandalwood as tho

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    AoS Sandalwood
    Mystic Water Mysore Sandalwood
    Mystic Water Sandalwood Rose
    Laughter, Love, & Shaving

    ~ Celestino ~

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Hey RobinK. Thanks for saving me from an unfortunate experiment with CF Cedarwood & Sandalwood -- henceforth known as the rotting graveyard of corpses, including mold. I will try out Meißner Tremonia instead.

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  5. #14
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    Stirling Soap Company has a Sandalwood and Vanilla Sandalwood, I haven't tried them but you can get a generous sample for about $4, and their soaps perform wonderfully. To me, Dr. Harris performs better than TOBS and they have both a sandalwood cream and soap. Haslinger has wonderful reviews and they have a sandalwood puck for only $8.50. I am also a big fan of Wet Shaving Products' soaps and they have a sandalwood soap. Happy testing!

  6. #15
    Member jelajemi's Avatar
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    I have a Stirling vanilla sandalwood aftershave, I have not tried on my face but the scent just from the bottle is so overpowering to vanella, it is a lot stronger than a vanilla ice cream, and I just can't perceive any sandalwood. I have been wondering about something, how the real Sandalwood smells like because since I have 4 Sandalwood shaving soap and they are all good performers, they are TOBS, Stirling Sandalwood, St JAMES of London and Proraso. The one scent I like the most is that of TOBS, the other 3 do not come even close, but they are very similar. On the performance side I like the st, James of London shaving cream above all.

  7. #16
    Senior Member Porl's Avatar
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    I would plus one on the Castle Forbes their performance and scents are excellent. Also you might try Truefitt & Hill and Geo Trumper.
    Fact: Opinions are not the same as facts... Well, that's my opinion anyway

  8. #17
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Huh. Some surprisingly harsh words for Castle Forbes Cedarwood and Sandalwood... undeserved, in my opinion.

    As an "owner/operator", I would say that (to my nose) the cedar component overcomes that of the sandalwood; nevertheless, I happen to like the balance between them, both in the shaving cream and in the after-shave balm*. People often say that CF products are "pricey"; again, I disagree (perhaps in a different thread).

    I do not, however, know of a good, "modern" sandalwood shaving soap, cream, or fragrance (men's, we assume); I continue to nurse a tub of QED Sandalwood shaving soap, and look forward to each time I use it (I wish I could say the same for my tub of Cyril R. Salter Indian Sandalwood, but I cannot).

    I have a bit more than half a 3.4oz bottle of Floris Sandalwood (long-ago discontinued), which I use sparingly and not-nearly often enough. Floris has its Santal line of shaving products: shaving cream, after-shave balm, after-shave splash, and eau de toilette; I highly recommend them, all.

    * I've read comments about the cedar aroma, comparing it to the cedar shavings often found in a hamster cage; perhaps, but so what? Higher-end steamer trunks, and women's closets, used to be lined with cedar... cigar boxes, too -- still are!
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  10. #18
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I use the captain Sandelwood. I have the A.S. and balm plus soap. Now i'll admit its the first Sandalwood ive tried but i like it.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  11. #19
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    I have a tub of TOBS sandalwood--neither my wife nor I think it really smells like sandalwood, but my wife does say it has a clean, manly scent to it, so that's good.

    AOS Sandalwood is by far my favorite. I've also tried Stirling Vanilla Sandalwood and it's a lot vanilla and very little sandalwood--great performing soap, though.

  12. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Scents are just another personal thing where, as always, YMMV. It's a big reason I'm hesitant to try MdC since can't stand the smell of lavender and wouldn't risk experimenting with their other scents based on reviews here (combined with the high price).
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