Thanks for the post. I got a tin of this guy when I bought a synthetic brush (Satin Tip, The Purest) online along with their pre-shave oil and post-shave witch hazel. I found it very easy to lather when I was starting off, smooth and, yes, the smell's quite pleasant. My main gripe would be that I've seemed to go through it very quickly. Compared to a good hard soap (currently on Crabtree and Evelyn) or even Proraso, I found it just evaporated with the same amount of use. Because it's a soft soap, I've included some of what's left it in my travel kit (along with the brush) and find it works very well with limited time. My partner uses the rest on her legs (along with one of my DEs :P) and finds it easy to use. The smell did eventually get to be a bit sickly to me, as well, so I was happy for her to inherit it after I moved onto a hard soap.

Edit: Incidentally, I found the post-shave pretty good too. It was my first witch hazel and, although I've now got on the Thayer's bandwagon, I would recommend it.