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Thread: do soaps/creams matter?

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Default do soaps/creams matter?

    Yes ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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  2. #32
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    If you really want a super inexpensive trial, pick up some ARKO Shave Stick soap. Rub it on your face and then add water and a brush to do face lathering. Some gentlemen do not care for it, but many of us (that travel especially) really like Arko. Palmolive has a similar stick soap as do a few other manufacturers, but Arko is popular. It pairs well with Mennen Skin Bracer aftershave - ALSO very inexpensive. Add a Boar Brush and you are in business. You can also crush the soap down into a bowl easily as it's very pliable soap. Your choice. Most of us find it a surprisingly effective shave protection soap, especially for the price.

    If curious check out the many Youtube Vids on Arko shave stick soap.

    BobH and Wightman like this.
    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  3. #33
    Senior Member Wightman's Avatar
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    As to just leaving it in the same bowl:- It does nothing to the remaining soap after it dries again eh? Doesn't change it eh? Make it garbage in some way? You would certainly be wasting alot less this way tho for sure.
    Last edited by Wightman; 10-03-2017 at 05:10 AM.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Wightman's Avatar
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    Yea I'm goona have to find me some nice aftershave as well. Because I never ever use any. And I'm sure the Axe face care I have just won't cut no pun intended.

  5. #35
    Member AngeloAmerico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wightman View Post
    Yea I'm goona have to find me some nice aftershave as well. Because I never ever use any. And I'm sure the Axe face care I have just won't cut no pun intended.
    If I may I’d like to give a few aftershave recommendations that are great to start with.
    Clubman Pinaud
    Aqua Velva Classic Ice Blue
    Stetson Cooling Moisture
    Old Spice Classic
    English Leather
    British Sterling
    Any of these would be great to work with your shave routine and can be easily bought in store or online.
    the Start of a marvelous day begins with a marvelous shave.

  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wightman View Post
    As to just leaving it in the same bowl:- It does nothing to the remaining soap after it dries again eh? Doesn't change it eh? Make it garbage in some way? You would certainly be wasting alot less this way tho for sure.
    I don't find there to be any problems, no changes. I just let it air dry. I've done it with all different soaps without any noticeable changes. I started doing it after finding that I wasn't able to either load enough soap in my brush for my preference or, because I have a rather large brush, could not contain the lather AND the brush in my small scuttle. I found mixing it up in a $2 bowl easier. No cool babershop appeal but it works well enough.
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  7. #37
    Senior Member Wightman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    I don't find there to be any problems, no changes. I just let it air dry. I've done it with all different soaps without any noticeable changes. I started doing it after finding that I wasn't able to either load enough soap in my brush for my preference or, because I have a rather large brush, could not contain the lather AND the brush in my small scuttle. I found mixing it up in a $2 bowl easier. No cool babershop appeal but it works well enough.
    I like it, and think I may just convert that urn almost thin there I was going to use. Customize it up for myself a bit. You don't find it a big worry of it not staying warm eh? Just heat treat your face first real good eh? Should b fine eh? If you even bother with that. It's all in your preference, skin, hair, and how much you care

  8. #38
    Senior Member GreenRipper's Avatar
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    You've pretty much hit the nail on the head, essentially it all comes back to YMMV. While the majority of guys around here prefer a nice, hot shave there's a few of us that prefer cold water shaves. Same thing goes for lathering and bowl versus face versus palm lathering (the last seem to be a minority). When it comes down to it the entire hobby is really about what your preferences are in soap, brush, lather, razor, etc.

    Part of the fun, speaking for myself, is figuring out what works and is most enjoyable for me.
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  9. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenRipper View Post
    You've pretty much hit the nail on the head, essentially it all comes back to YMMV. While the majority of guys around here prefer a nice, hot shave there's a few of us that prefer cold water shaves. Same thing goes for lathering and bowl versus face versus palm lathering (the last seem to be a minority). When it comes down to it the entire hobby is really about what your preferences are in soap, brush, lather, razor, etc.

    Part of the fun, speaking for myself, is figuring out what works and is most enjoyable for me.
    Yup, no one size solution fits all here.

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  10. #40
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    I don't know if anyone has tried Crown's Shave Cream. Just a dab on the head of your brush and it delivers a rich luxurious lather. It's the best part of my shave.

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