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Thread: Fine Accouterments American Blend Review

  1. #11
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Shave II:

    I did something unusual this morning, I skipped my shave. Did something even more unusual this evening, I showered and shaved.

    I used my badger want-to-be synthetic. It sucks up more water and ultimately loads up way more soap too. And this time I face lathered. Gents, it was impressive. Lather was not a problem today. It was plentiful!

    It was a pretty relaxing shave really. Just me and my straight taking on a day and a half’s worth of growth. No pod casts to distract me as per my routine in the mornings. The sound of the whiskers seemed amplified.

    But that first pass was a little rough. Nothing serious, and I don’t know what it was that made it a little uncomfortable, the blade was sharp enough. Odd.

    The second pass saw another heaping of suds coating my face. Again though, there was a little roughness. I can’t understand this. It was this way last shave too, but I chalked it up as me rushing. I again expected some burn after the shave from the Alum...

    None. Not even a tingle.

    I just don’t get it! I get a great lather, clearly awesome protection being no burn from the alum, great viscosity, I checked often, but rough shaves. Crazy.

    Well, this is the beauty of the week long shave review right? We’ll see what happens on the third shave tomorrow or Sunday. Right now I’m in the, I love the scent and viscosity, but I can’t figure out the cushion thing... I can take it or leave it at this stage.

    Until the next shave friends.

    Edit. It’s been a little over an hour since the shave so far, and my face does still feel pretty darn good. The soap does leave it feeling soft.
    Last edited by earcutter; 10-06-2018 at 03:25 AM. Reason: Faceterbating
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  2. #12
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    I’m not going to lie, two crappy shaves in a row was really bugging me! Really bugging me. There’s a lot of men who love this stuff and here I am struggling. I thought I loved this stuff! I never thought I struggled with it before? So I decided to shave with the soap again today with my DE.

    I mean, I sacrificed a Saturday straight shave to my R41 because there’s nothing smoother than that DE with a Personna blade on its second use. That’s huge because I love my straights on the weekend. Anyway, shave I would! It was going to be a great, smooth shave.

    I used my Simpson brush! Nom, nom! Guys, this soap is all lather! It loves the water, but man... the lather is impressive! The scent is impressive! Guys, this should be an excellent soap but again, the cushion was awful! What’s going on?? Again the shave was uncomfortable(ish).

    The post shave again - no sting and the face feels great! How could this all just be showing up right now? I’ve used it before! I don’t recall the shaves being this uncomfortable. And then it dawned on me. Look at this photo:

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    I’ve always used the Proraso pre-shave with this soap. Not for the review though. It just totally complements the soap. I just didn’t know how absolutely it complemented it!! This is the most certain I am that the Proraso pre shave actually works. I never really cared before. It was just a nice product to start with.

    Gentlemen, I think i’ve Had it with Fine’s American soap. I don’t think i’m moving forward with it. I’ve got plenty of great soaps, and this stuff for me is just ok. But I’m totally stoked thinking of how effective the Proraso is!

    What a very odd experience! I honestly thought when I started that this was going to be a glowing review! How very odd! How real though! Crazy.

  3. #13
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    GENTLEMAN, this review really bothered me. I remembered the American being a great soap... I thought I was going to write a positive review, but the review seemingly proved otherwise. So today I did everything I did normally, IE used the Proraso PreShave, and off I went.

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    What a great shave! The Proraso “gunks up” on your blade more, if you care about such things, but man does it make for a smooth shave. Even the second pass was comfortable!

    So as much as Fine’s American Soap wasn’t for me, that Proraso isn’t going anywhere!

  4. #14
    Senior Member slim6596's Avatar
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    Thanks for saving me from ordering Fine shave soap. I needs me some cushion and slickness.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Guess that leaves more for me.
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