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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I've read The Island of Dr. Moreau. I'm not sure it reaches the category of "literary!"
    I didn't read the book, and only saw parts of the movie...

  2. #22
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    I didn't read the book, and only saw parts of the movie...
    I haven't read the book or seen even parts of any of the movies, but I did like it's appearance in Part 2 of The League of Extraordinary Gentleman (not the movie which I don't believe ever got made but the comic). H. G. Wells counts as 'literary' though doesn't he (even if he was a bit of a pessimistic cove)?

    Sidles off stage left towards bathroom bent on conducting strange and ultimately doomed hybrid experiments with soap lather.

  3. #23
    Senior Member rastewart's Avatar
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    I want to be a cheap pessimistic literary bastard, I do I do I do ... my poor innocent pucks, little do they know the fiendish experiments soon to be performed on them.

    Dr. Richeau

  4. #24
    Padawan Learner nosmo1963's Avatar
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    I use the shaving soap the I purchase from my barber. I also purchased an Omega long hair brush several years ago and a shaving mug. It is the same setup that he uses, except for the shavette. As of tomorrow I will be on the learning curve for shaving with a SR.


  5. #25
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disburden View Post
    You don't splash some water on your soap puck to loosen it up before caking the brush for lathering? I am going to try this, I want to be a cheap bastard!

    EDIT: I Think I see what you mean, I misread. I need to figure out a way to save the lather since I face lather. Maybe just put it back on the puck?
    I should have been more clear in this. I do put about a teaspoon of water in the soap bowl and let it sit there while my brush is soaking and while I am putting in my contacts. Then I pour the water from the soap bowl into the lather bowl, shake the water out of my brush, swirl my brush for a couple seconds in the soap bowl, and then build the lather in the lather brush. Therefore, I do use a little water to soften my soap but that soapy water is poured into the lather bowl, not down the drain.

  6. #26
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    All these days I have been wondering what to do with all the leather on my brush.....thanks a lot for the tip cheap bastard.....or cheap bastard tip....

    My only problem is that I just bought two pucks....that means 14 years of soap......wooooow

  7. #27
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulcano View Post
    All these days I have been wondering what to do with all the leather on my brush.....thanks a lot for the tip cheap bastard.....or cheap bastard tip....

    My only problem is that I just bought two pucks....that means 14 years of soap......wooooow
    Well, like all the great informercials say, "your results may vary!"

  8. #28
    Freakin' Ladies Man Hillie's Avatar
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    Ha! With the stash of soap I have here one could shave all the attendees to my funeral using a 7-year lifetime for a puck.

    I did try it by the way, lathered up some Harris Marlborough yesterday evening (just trying out some stuff, not even shaving with it ) and had about half left and let it dry in the mug to shave this morning by adding just a tiny bit and a splash of water. Worked well, but since I rotate the soaps on a daily basis almost, I won't use the method very much.

  9. #29
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    Well I did not start with the "cheap bastard" lather saving method but developed something similar to it. I lather directly on my puck off a few brush fulls of hot water and also took to squeezing all that lather back into the bowl to dry out for the next shave I started this probably in January and wowee does it save a bunch of soap. I dunno about lasting 5 years for me but I've just recently run out of the puck of Williams I purchased in November... 5 months off a puck of Williams?

  10. #30
    Mostly Harmless mlangstr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disburden View Post
    You don't splash some water on your soap puck to loosen it up before caking the brush for lathering? I am going to try this, I want to be a cheap bastard!

    EDIT: I Think I see what you mean, I misread. I need to figure out a way to save the lather since I face lather. Maybe just put it back on the puck?
    Dont rinse your face!!!.. that's it... leave the lather on your face and let it dry so you can use it the next day..


    Edit: I'm dutch so I feel I'm entitled to make jokes about being cheap..
    Last edited by mlangstr; 04-20-2009 at 12:59 PM.

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