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  1. #11
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    Dont think i would like to eat any, i have in the past when shaving managed to somehow got some of the lather in my mouth, by accident, and could not swill my mouth out fast enough, so the thought of actually eating some, no way, plus i dont think its part of a healthy diet with the stuff they put into it, the scent on my face is quite enough for me.

  2. #12
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    It depends on what you mean by toxic; it's basically soap, possibly with some added surfactants and fragrances. It is not particularly toxic, but then it is not safe to eat in large quantities either. A little taste is not likely to hurt, but larger quantities will probably make you quite sick. You can look up the MSDS for any synthetic ingredients for more details.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Shoki's Avatar
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    You could make a nice egg white omelet in olive oil. Eat most of it for breakfast, shave with the rest. It's a win win.

  4. #14
    Member rkelmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jalapeno_peppah View Post
    Yeah I know it's a weird question.

    I bought some Taylors of Old Bond Street shaving cream and it smelled so good that my ladyfriend felt compelled to taste it.

    There seemed to be not really any bitterness or weird taste but this led to an obvious question... is shave cream basically non toxic? A little poisonous? A little bad for you? Can you eat a whole pot of it?

    What do you say?
    Yuck i dont think that is a good idea

  5. #15
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shoki View Post
    You could make a nice egg white omelet in olive oil. Eat most of it for breakfast, shave with the rest. It's a win win.
    Naw, that would be wasteful. Eat all of it, shave with the yolk!

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