Ogie, That's not unusual at all. For me, it's Colleen's (TGQ) No matter what, it doesn't lather that great for me, and I've tried several different ones. I have a water softner too, so it really helps with soaps, not with hers, I'd never buy it again. Mama Bear's is awesome, SRD, Awesome, Tabac too. So, I don't know why Colleens soap doesn't work for me. Most guys on here rave about it. I love different soaps and creams. I think I have 60 on hand right now, so the good thing is, they really last for me...My MWF does have cracks in it from sitting out. I have a large bathroom and walk in closet which has become a shave den. Some creams I can't wait to use, Like TOBS Avacado, That stuff is awesome, and another favorite is T&H 1805. The fragrance is just intoxicating.