Quote Originally Posted by OLD_SCHOOL View Post
Mine was a sample hence no ingredient list. As I recall, it was described as unscented, and I have seen several posts in the past saying the same thing. When I got it, there was a faint aroma, but I figured it must be from the other soap sample sent with it.

Having followed this thread a bit, I decided to search for mine and smell it again. Yes there is a very mild scent to it, which is not really detectable without having in within 1/2 foot from the nose, and once lathered it is even milder to the point it practically is unscented. I imagine they add very little scent, since as I understand it MWF is targeted toward people with sensitive skin, so adding a lot of scent would be counter productive to achieving that goal. If you compare MWF to many other soaps which are scented, it's actually very understandable why some think/say it is unscented.

Regardless of scent, it is a nice soap.
That's true. Really, even "unscented" soap has SOME scent. I do believe I have a hypersensitivity with smells. I've found my MWF scent to be light, but quite noticeable; thankfully, I like the scent. The scent of Tabac was too much for me.

Chris L