Quote Originally Posted by Alraz View Post
If you go overboard, you can go as far as making your face dry. Also, the quality of the lather can decrease.

For those that constantly ask where to find glycerin: it can be found in the baking aisle at supermarkets, and hobby stores, as well than drug stores. Glycerin has many uses ;-).

Al raz.

As Al raz pointed out Vegtable glycerine can be found in the baking isle - generally near where the frosting making supplies are. Bakers use it for some part of...well...making frosting. The other u.s.p. type is generally found near the bandaids & vaseline type products. Sometimes in a clear bottle sometimes in a brown bottle like what hydrogen peroxide comes in. I use it pretty much whenever I lather either with creams alone or in the "Uberlather" mix and haven't had any issue(s) with drying but everybody is different so it would be an effect to watch out for.