Quote Originally Posted by The_Pastor View Post
I decided to microwave the cream for about 30 sec, with a little water in it. Then I stirred it with a fork.

I took some trial and error, especially the amount of water to put in, and I wasted some cream, but the end result was very good.

Now I can use my creams again.
It will turn hard again unless you make it a mission to use up that cream until it's all gone. Most creams are good for 1 year. Many ingredients will also lose their potency and or benefits. Not all brands put an expiration or date of production on their products either so sometimes it's hard to guess cause you might think because you just bought a new tub of cream it's all fresh but it might have been sitting on the shelf for 6 months. Hence always buy from a reputable store as they tend to sell their products pretty fast. It's mostly the air and temp, change that dries out your cream after a prolonged period of time. Dry climate also helps dry out your products much faster.

I've resorted to only buying tube versions of my creams as with the huge line up of shaving products I have I always ended up tossing half my cream tubs.