I have been working my way into a tub of Bergamot, and couldn't be enjoying it more. Is it the best shaving cream ever? Difficult to say since I suspect I never will have tried them all. However, I've made a decent run between the AOS to CF creams and I thought Al's recipe stood up with the best of the players in that range. The scent is very nice, but the orange flavor is not ultimately for me. I'm looking forward to trying some of the other scents and finding the right fit. Its tough to give email descriptions of the scents, so there is a bit of trial and error one must accept when entering the world of Da Bomb. It lathers up quite well, has a density to it that lets me feel like I am cutting into the beard as much as the cream, and nary a red or overly dry spot on my face afterwards. I will always be trying other creams and making the rounds of the old favorites, but I am sure a tub of Al's alchemy will always be shoved in some easy to reach corner of my shaving drawer...for many moons to come.
