Broke down and splurged on a tub of Martin De Candre which I had to order direct from France as I didn't see anyone locally selling it and though I paid a fortune for it plus shipping opened the box to a refreshing whaft of incredible smell, hints of lavender amongst a mossy forest of beauty. Clearly 110% natural and acutely potent. Included in the box was a small free sample of their shampoo and a good sized block of what looks like a bar soap perhaps for the bath which I cannot say for sure since everything was written in a french doctor script.

Am excited to give it a try but wishing someone imported this for us in bulk. I have a feeling I will be pushing aside my MWF for this in a few months.

Thanks to whoever it was on this site who prophesized about Martin de Candre and opened the door to a new experience. Even without using it I can already tell it is the top-most of soaps on the top shelf.