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Thread: Vintage Find :)

  1. #1
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    Red face Vintage Find :)

    Well I just so happened to walk into a local Bairo's Supermarket here in my town of Cambridge, Ontario this morning and to my surprise I found ten pucks of vintage Williams! They were marked for a $1.99 each and had about a half inch of dust on each top of each box. I asked the clerk how long they had been there for and he replied with " since you were born kid" lol...I said to him "perfect", "Will you take ten dollars for all ten?" so it was a done deal! I just got them home and had to run a test lather. All I can say is this...what the heck has williams done to their soap in this day! compared to this vintage stuff...there new formula is crap!!! These vintage pucks are great, I let one soak for a minute or two in hot water, got a nice slurry on top of the puck and went to it with my omega boar brush. In just under 3 minutes I had a bowl full of slick, thick, cool whip type lather...I only encountered one problem...The scent is completly gone. So I just grated two pucks of the vintage and a half puck of the new stuff and mixed them all together...this solved the scent problem right away and did not affect the performance at all. I am very happy with my find this morning...heres a few pics take care,
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  2. #2
    zib is offline
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    Very Awesome, Just thought I'd share this with you. I found this a while ago, unopened....I still use and enjoy Williams. It was the first soap I ever used with a shaving brush. It was also the soap my Grandfather used....
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  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Williams is like cockroaches, it's immune to damage or destruction from anything. If the Earth is ever destroyed those space aliens will find it floating around in the Universe.

    Back in the day there were just a few popular soaps out there and Williams was a staple along with Burma Shave. Back then it was quality.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    Very Awesome, Just thought I'd share this with you. I found this a while ago, unopened....I still use and enjoy Williams. It was the first soap I ever used with a shaving brush. It was also the soap my Grandfather used....
    oh wow, I am very jealous of that, i guess your not gonna open or sell it eh? lol

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