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Thread: Does it matter

  1. #1
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Default Does it matter

    In the past I used shaving soap, but I switched to loreal cream out of a can because it is a lot less bother.
    I cannot say I noticed much of a difference at all.

    So apart from sentimental reasons, what is the reason that you guys are using soap and brushes?

  2. #2
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    That canned stuff doesn't really work. You might as well use nothing IMO. I'm using creans mostly and the prep or my beard and skin can't be beat. Not only that but it's moisturising like mad. An ill prepped face is a recipe for irritation. I also still have some Lush Mbrosia aroud which is great stuff. i'm just having too much fun with my brushes right now.


  3. #3
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    That canned stuff doesn't really work. You might as well use nothing IMO. I'm using creans mostly and the prep or my beard and skin can't be beat. Not only that but it's moisturising like mad. An ill prepped face is a recipe for irritation. I also still have some Lush Mbrosia aroud which is great stuff. i'm just having too much fun with my brushes right now.

    But what does cream do that the canned stuff doesn't?

  4. #4
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Good creams are designed to be used with a brush (that lifts hair). Therefore they don't have the ingredients that makes out of the can stuff emulate the effect (with very little success). Generally they are more prone to using natural ingredients and the soapy-smelling stuff coming out of a can can't come close to comparing with the stuff coming out of Colleen's lab or T&H and a few others.

  5. #5
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I tried using the stuff out of the can when I first started. It only took me 2 shaves before I went out and bought soap and a brush. There is no comparison.

  6. #6
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    Back when I was in college I shaved with water and an Atra. I tried the cream-in-a-can stuff and couldn't tell that it did much of anything, water gave me an easier shave. In retrospect the problem was that I wasn't using water first then smearing the canned cream on top of it, that would probably have worked just fine. But my dad was a Norelco (Philishave) guy so he didn't know either.

    When I recently ditched the beard I found that modern gels worked ok, but even lowly williams soap and a brush did a better job of softening my beard, and gave me a closer shave. But the high-end english soaps do a much better job than Williams, so that's what I use now. Since they last for 6 months they're not really that expensive over time.

  7. #7
    < Banned User > suzuki's Avatar
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    As a rule, other goop in the can is inferior to a quality soap or cream. While some of the canned gels are better than others (Aveeno, Neutrogena, etc.), the stuff in the can just doesn't provide the prep/lubrication that a brush and cream/soap does. In addition, the aerosols in most foams can actually have a deyhdrating effect - which is exactly the opposite of what you want.

    As has been previously mentioned, the brush both exfoliates and lifts the hair (multi-blade lift-and-cut blades were created to overcome the fact that smearing goop out of a can doesn't lift the hair). In addition, most soaps/creams hold much more water than anything in a can will. Finally, the stuff in the can generally has a lot of chemicals (which I don't like) and often lacks the same amount of glycerine/shea butter/tallow/lanolin that quality soaps and creams have. This means that good soaps/creams provide superior lubrication than anything out of a can. This is supported by the fact that most cartridge razors now have strips of lubricating goo - something that is completely unnecessary if you use a good soap/cream.

    The one exception that I've found is the Proraso foam in a can - this is the best stuff in a can that I've ever used and I keep a can around in case of emergencies (although I can't remember the last time I've used it!) - but I still wouldn't use it with a straight.

    Finally, I enjoy the scent of a good soap/cream - this is not critical to shaving effectiveness, but I can't imagine going back to the synthetic smell of canned goo after being exposed to QED sandalwood, Tabac, Coates lavender, etc...

    Having said all this, if the stuff in a can works for you, by all means use it - its totally a personal thing.

  8. #8
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    Good creams are designed to be used with a brush (that lifts hair).
    next newbie question: does it matter what the brush is made of?
    I always thought of a brush as simply something to apply soap with.
    If I understand you correctly, you have to brush against the grain to lift the hairs?

  9. #9
    < Banned User > suzuki's Avatar
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    I brush in circles (as I generally build my lather on my face) and then even things out with a painting motion.

    If you use a bursh to apply the lather and swirl it or paint it, it will raise the bristles, so long as you give your face a decent going over, you'll be fine- don't overthink this.

    The most important function of a brush is to actually make the lather - any brush (even a paintbrush!) can transfer the lather to your face.

    The biggest difference between boar and badger and between the various grades of badger is their ability to hold water and build lather. You can build good later with any decent boar or badger brush.

    If you don't want to spend a lot of coin, a good Omega boar($10 - 15) will keep you in later for many years (I used an Omega boar and Proaso in a tube exclusively for a couple of years - then stumbled across B&B when looking for an alternate source of Proraso and the rest is history!).

    The next step up is a machine-made badger brush - you can get a decent pure badger for $20 - $40 (possibly less if you catch a sale or don't mind buying a used brush). While scratcy/scritchy, a machine-made badger holds more water and is generally softer than a boar brush - the softness and water-holding ability makes it easier to build lather with a badger than a boar.

    Once you transition to badger, then the sky's the limit - pure, best/finest, silvertip, super-silvertip, manchurian, etc... - its a mater of what floats your boat and the size of your wallet.

    Some people like smaller firmer brushes for soap and softer brushes for creams - again, that's personal preference.

    I have a small stable of brushes and I can make perfectly good lather with all of them and enjoy them all - however, without a doubt, the silvertips are my favourites.

    Hope this helps.

    Like I said, any decent brush will get the job done - you don't need to spend a lot of cash. Most important, don't overthink this - grab your brush and some soap/cream, add water and stir vigorously - when you've got a decent lather apply to face and then shave - repeat if necessary.

  10. #10
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    next newbie question: does it matter what the brush is made of?
    I always thought of a brush as simply something to apply soap with.
    If I understand you correctly, you have to brush against the grain to lift the hairs?
    1) Any brush is better than no brush
    2) Synthetic bristled brushes can be irritating to sensitive skin, especially using soaps made with Fragrant Oils.
    3) Boar is great for use on hard soaps
    4) Badger has great water retention properties
    5) Yes you so brush against the grain.

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