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Thread: Combining Soaps & Creams

  1. #1
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    Default Combining Soaps & Creams

    Wanted to see if anyone else combines soaps and creams and what combinations they use and why. All my soaps and creams I use separately except for two. I always combine TOBS Sandalwood with VDH Luxury soap. They both work very well by themselves, but together I find them to be fantastic. The scents seem to compliment each other without becoming overbearing. Each soap seems to add alittle more together than separate when it comes to cushion, slickness, thickness and ease of lathering. I am always looking to try something new so wanted to see what other combinations have been tried and worked well. Post your experiences.
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  2. #2
    zib is offline
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    Oh Yeah, This has been brought up before. Gssixgun has some good recipes, maybe he'll post them.
    I use a few, One of his is "Lanolin Overload" This consists of Mitchell's wool fat soap, a bit of Musgo real shave cream, and 5 drops of glycerin.

    I've added some Tabac shave cream to the Tabac soap.
    SRD Sandalwood soap and Castle Forbes cedar and sandalwood.
    Neither of these need help, it's just fun, and it adds something to it.

    I haven't really mixed any opposites, I tend to keep them the same. If a soap is kind of flat, and it needs help, I'll use a shot of Kiss my face shave cream, and some glycerin to give it a boost....
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    Member rkw216's Avatar
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    I do it all the time, but no rhyme or reason to it.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member sheajohnw's Avatar
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    I usually lather using MWF, Tabac, ProRaso, or Cella soap, 6 drops of glycerin, and a 3/4 inch dollop of Bigelow cream. I keep the soaps in mugs and dribble lather into my warm scuttle containing the 6 drops of glycerin and Bigelow cream, then mix. I presoak the soaps before making soap lather in the mugs. I find that a uberlather mixture is slower to dry on my face which I find important while straight razor shaving, and is creamy. I dip my brush in warm water and remix/rehydrate the mixture in the scuttle as needed to keep it moist and at the correct consistency. This is necessary because the heat of the scuttle speeds up the drying of the mixture in the scuttle. I also frequently reapply lather on my face to keep it moist, especially before shaving sensitive areas such as above my lips.
    Last edited by sheajohnw; 10-09-2012 at 10:18 PM.

  5. #5
    ace is offline
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    I have a mug with Cade soap in it and often mix in various random cremes just for the fun of it. It never seems to make a difference.

  6. #6
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    Default Combining Soaps & Creams

    I use an Art of Shaving sandlewood + 3 drops of glycerin, and a small dollop of the Bigelow shave cream sold at bath and body works. I like it because its awesome lather, and makes my expensive sandlewood soap last forever. As I don't have to do much.

    Just a few seconds of lathering in the wood bowl and I am done.

    Why do I do this you ask? Because its what I started with and still going strong after a 1.5 years of wet shaving, still on the same inventory I purchase back then, also still use a cheapo brush from Walgreens, because it just plain works... Nothing fancy.

  7. #7
    The Razor Talker parkerskouson's Avatar
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    I will on a regular basis combine my CO Bigelow and my VDH Deluxe. They just compliment each other very well. Sometimes I will go for a Godrej and VDH Combo if I am fancying a lime scent
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  8. #8
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    Good stuff. Keep it coming folks. After all this I might have a lifetime supply of creams and soaps.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Eekspa's Avatar
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    I sometimes mix an inch of Bigelow cream into my bowl with a brush load of whatever soap strikes my fancy for the day. No rhyme or reason to the decision.

    I haven't really done any type of study to determine ease of shave since I rotate razors according to how many days between shaves, and length of my beard.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    Never thought about doing this. i guess i just enjoy my soaps too much as i don't use cream.

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