Last night I did 30 minutes on the Eliptical. That is all.
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Last night I did 30 minutes on the Eliptical. That is all.
Another ten-mile bike ride, yesterday morning. Butt-kicking headwind out of the west... return leg, of course; but I pounded it, and it was good... right up until I turned onto my condo walkway at-speed (like I always do) and an old guy came out of the open-air foyer. I had to brake, suddenly -- and hard -- and shifted my weight onto the left pedal, for balance. That was when I felt a "pop" (like a rubber band) in my left buttock, accompanied by a sharp pain. No, I didn't "dump", but stood there, straddling the bike for a minute. Ouch. It's called proximal (high) hamstring tendinopathy, and (from what I spent the rest of the day reading on the Internet) will be a 3-5 month recovery/rehab. It's ironic that this happened ten-days short of one year after tearing my right hamstring... all the more so, since the previous injury happened as I pushed-off/down on the pedal at the start of the same ten-mile ride (same condo walkway), while this one happened at the end. Does this qualify as "closure"? :(
Two hours bouldering today in the local indoor bouldering comp. I entered the 'masters' (old peoples) category in the 'Pump Fest' which was attempting 31 problems in two hours. I came second (there were three of us old guys). The other two have been climbing for 13 years, and I've been climbing for 16 months. Very happy with my achievement.
Well done mate :)
Thanks very much!
Here's a photo of me climbing yesterday:
Attachment 161230
Yesterday morning I did 30 minutes on an Eliptical, 20 on a spinning bike with the pulse between 135 and 150. Yesterday afternoon I felt like being outdoors so I hit the bike trail for a 35 minute ride.
I use this app to record my rides. Pretty cool stuff. I have a HR monitor that will work with it as well.
6.30mi road cycling on 4/19/14 in Leonia, NJ | MapMyRide
MapMyRide: 23.54 mi 23.52mi road cycling on 4/13/14
Distance: 23.54 mi
I haven't been posting much lately, but I have been working out. I bought a Smith machine back in September. I am pleased to say that I am now to the point where I can bench press my bodyweight, 180lbs. I know that doesn't sound too impressive to many, but for me it is an accomplishment, at 51 years of age. my goal would be to bench 220, which was my max in my younger days. Again, it would not be setting any world records, but I was never a power lifter.
3 sets of flat bench, 8 reps heavy.
3 sets of incline bench, 12 reps.
3 sets of cable fly's, 12 reps.
3 sets of tricep cable pushdowns, 12 reps.
3 sets of tricep rope pushdowns, 12 reps.
3 sets of skullcrushers with an EZ curl bar, 12 reps.
1 set of tricep dips until failure.
25 minutes on treadmill, steady pace.
3 sets of bicep curls, 12 reps.
3 sets of hammer curls, 12 reps.
3 sets of preacher curls, 12 reps.
3 sets of sitting dumbbell curls, 12 reps.
4 sets of shrugs, 10 reps heavy.
3 sets of EZ curl bar pull-ups, 12 reps.
3 sets of dumbbell shrugs, 12 reps.
1/2 hr bicycle ride.
Pretty much only been doing bouldering three times a week. Sat I did 'laps' of a problem, i.e. climbing (sending) the problem and then down-climbing it (doing it in reverse) then, without getting off or touching the floor, doing it again. I did it four times twice. Also I've been doing a lot of traversing in the gym.
I DID do some light bench presses the other day; light because my shoulders hurt so much!
Olympic lifts today.
80kg snatch and 90kg clean and jerk - I'll take that, seeing as I haven't done them for a while.
Shrugs, pull-overs, bench press and some tricep extensions added, since I had some time left.
I've not lifted in months. I have been walking a brisk two miles virtually every morning. I haven't been riding the bicycle as much because of that. I sometimes ride in the evening though. I will begin incorporating lifting again in the future. @ 65 I have to do something to maintain bone density and forestall muscle loss.
I'm sorry and I mean no rudeness but I couldn't help but read your reply in a Ben Stiller voice, a la 40 Year Old Virgin. ";"
Been doing some indoor bouldering lately while wearing a fifteen kilo diver's belt which has been interesting. It changes things up quite a bit! A year or so ago I weighed about 10 or 12 kilos more than I do now, and had less finger strength and technique so it was like going back to being a beginner really.
Legs today!
Squats - front and back. 5 sets of 10 reps.
Calf raises. 5 sets of 30.
Hamstring machine. 5 sets of 8
Box jumps (20") while holding 2x10/15/20kg kettlebells. 3 sets of 3 for each weight.
Bit of stretching and some mobility work.
Got back into the gym today after a few weeks off, did just under 5km on the treadmill uphill in around 35 mins, but i was completely jiggered afterwards, so i have learned that nearly twoweeks is too long between sessions:)
I agree with the last part - I took a break of a few months and the last few sessions have left me a quivering and shambolic wreck. My (better) other half has lost no time in mocking me for this - the words "I told you so" have been uttered like some sort of taunting mantra since.
Bodyweight shizzle today.
Handstand press-ups: 5x5
Dips: 5x10
Pull ups: 5x5 (Not so good at these!)
One handed push-ups: 5x5.
Chest and Back for me today.
Flat Bench Press
Lat Pull downs
Incline Bench
Seated Row
Single arm bent over row
20 mins on the treadmill after....legs still burning from yesterday's treadmill and leg workout but I feel like crap if I don't go...the cigarette directly afterwards has got to go, just can't seem to completely get rid of the, "kill-me-quicks" as my grandfather used to call them.
Did this today for a few hours as a workout. First time 'proper' climbing (not bouldering) via top roping although I've done abseiling in the army...
A great day and a good workout. I tried four routes rated 12 to 20.
The picture is of me on the route 'Digital Input'...
Gee I wonder how it got that name ;)...Makes me think. We talk about digital...Camo, rock faces, patterns etc. and they are all block shaped, chunky things. And this was the part that got me thinking, why the hell we want to sit down and watch digital TV when analogue was never portrayed as being that grainy...Oh wait...Work out thread...We don't watch TV here do we?! :)
Actually, I climbed this with the guy that named the route a long time ago; he's been climbing for 35 years and is ten years older than me (60 odd). He said that it was just at that point where personal computers were starting to appear of people's desks. remember when no-one in the office had one apart from maybe a manager or statistician? I can't remember why he thought the name fitted the route, because as someone said on a climbing site yesterday it's a technical route requiring good footwork, not digital (i.e. fingers) work.
HEY! Are you guys working out or WHAT!?
Today I walked to the top of Mount Torrens and back, 28:23. Far short of my PB of 20:51 which was back on 2002. Then a hot shower and a nice shave in the bedroom at the shaving stand; minimalistic with the bowl, jug of hot water and all.
After that I iced my hands in cold water and ice for 20 minutes, as I have sore tendons from climbing and someone offered me this advice. I'd be appreciative of any other advice of sore finger tendons. I'm resting from climbing at the moment; for maybe two weeks, MAYBE until feel no pain at all, or maybe a gradual return even feeling some pain...
Sorry for not posting in the tread Carl.
Personally I do work out. I run 3-4 per week, aproximately 20-30km/week. During working days I run on a track and on Sunday I prefer mountain running.
Not a great deal at the moment sorry, i have a few weeks off work so i suspect not a vast amount will happen. Though i am waiting on some parts for my bike, then i will get out on that a bit.
No probs, don't want to make you feel sorry or anything. If this thread dies, it dies...
Anyone doing anything different?
Any tips on recovery, nutrition, etc?
I'm eating a lot of sardines and anchovies; whole jars of anchovies at a time. I like small fish as they have less likelihood of heavy metal content. I'm also taking fish oil capsules and trying some herbal teas for my joints.
I've given up smoking (again) and switched to wine from beer. I was paleo but for winter I'm less obsessed about palea and eating some carbs (even bread!!!)
Yep, still running:)
I took this morning off and did a route new to me.
I went for some intervals 5*3 min at 16Km/t and finished that of with an additional 8K at about 9,5-10Km/t.
A very nice morning pass.
I did a VO2max test at a lab before the weekend that made my day.
I'm still in decent physical, if not mental, shape it seems;)
I haven't done much since I took a spill off the board. I did some ligament damage to my wrist that limits my comfort time on a bike, I hate walking/running, and I've yet to get back on the damn horse that threw me...Well, I've been back on that horse, but not for a decent stint. I have been doing a LOT of abdominal and core strength training of late though, and it's bloody near killing me. Sit ups, crunches, leg raises, planks and knuckle push ups (can't do flat palm ones due to wrist pain, but can do knuckle push up's that takes the pressure of the sore bit).
Bee Tee Doubleyou, been considering a bike for the local bike path. The path runs through absolutely beautiful countryside around here where the train used to run decads ago; through vineyards, farmland, etc. It's mainly flat (as you would imagine a train line to be :o ). I'm thinkign of getting a bike we know here as a 'fixedy', that is, no gears, like this Reid Griffon - Reid Cycles
These bikes are really cheap, look nice and would be low maint.
Not sure if the cog thingy at the back is 'free wheeling' or whatever it's called...
It looks like a freewheel to me. Certainly no coaster brake set up. I reckon a bike like that would be the ducks guts Carl. I want one myself now. Just like the ones I had as a kid except with handle bar mounted front and rear brake levers.
Today was a 10km sprint on the bike...Well I call it a sprint. Others would call it overweight middle aged man attempting cardiac arrest :). Going to be doing my core workout in five minutes.
Thats a single speed, a fixie has a fixed or non freewheeling rear hub, i dont think it would be hard to convert though. On the flat something lke that would be good, you just need to select the correct cog sizes to suit the speed and effort you want to get out. I am moving up to the hills soon so a single speed would be all wrong for me, in fact i have just put the other two front chainrings on my bike :)