-Military Press
-Preacher Curls
-Dumbbell Chest Fly's
-Leg Press
-Weighted Calf Raises
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-Military Press
-Preacher Curls
-Dumbbell Chest Fly's
-Leg Press
-Weighted Calf Raises
I was going to come out with something smart like "30 kay! Is that all?!?! I could do that in me sleep!" But then I see you live in Jo'burg, and if that place is anything like what I've been told about, that's probably like a full on sprint the whole way. :P
All just jokes of course. Well done Thug. Keep up the good work. :tu
Crossfit 2011 Regional Event workout. Capped at 30".
Finished it in 17:36.
Row 20cal
40x Two arm dumbbell ground to overhead @35lbs
50x Toes to Bar
100ft Overhead walking lunge @45lbs
150ft sprint
Last nights ride of 46km was a hard workout.
15 PR's on Strava
Today was another good one, it didn't look too hard on paper but once you started doing it... That was a different story.
It started with 10" EMOM
EVEN: 3 Postition Press @85lbs (1xstrict,2xpush,3xjerk)
ODD: 7xBurpees jump to 6" target.
Then: 15" AMRAP
5xPull ups
10xRing Dips
15xWall Balls@20lbs
20xRussian Kettle Bell Swings @53lbs
(Finished 5 rounds)
A 20km ride today. Nothing much. The first 2kms took a while because I was following my girls to school. It took them 20 minutes to cover 2kay! I can see I need to get the whip out for them! :) The next 18kay was done at a flat sprint (in cycling terms). I have to admit even that was a little slower than I would usually do it, but then I would usually being riding at 0500 when it was a little cooler, and not 0800 with the sun beating down at 32c and the humidity at 70%.
I should do more later day riding I think. I need to toughen up a bit obviously.
I joined 6 other mates for a long training ride and ended up doing 130km on my singlespeed.
They are all training for a 9 day stage race called Joburg 2 C which takes place in April. Total distance of 910km's
-Incline Benchpress
-Barbell Rows
-Barbell Shrugs
-Single Arm Preacher Curls
-Tricep Pushdowns
-Leg Curls
A easy 23km recovery ride this morning.
Total mileage for the week was 230km.
I had too much going on last week and wore myself down-didnt exerize.
Two mile trail run today and the weather was real nice. Keep on keepin on, gents.
22 minutes on the elliptical. :)
After 2 weeks of recovery from my half, getting back up to speed.
9.8k of hills Friday, a 24:00 5k(4:48/km!!!) Sunday and this morning was a partnered circuit; sprint around the block in opposite directions till you meet, one person wall sits while the other does 1 burpee, then switch, then sprint again, repeat with the # of burpees/length of wall sit increasing each time you meet.
This afternoon was lower body.
Squat jumps 10
Dumbell squats 2x6
Bodyweight lunges 8/side
Standing calf raises 2x12
Bridges, one keg 30 secs/side
Cork screws 12
Jacknifes 15
Single leg balance 30 secs/ leg
5km of stairs and hill sprints this morning.
Today's workout included some running but definitely was fast...
400m Run
10x Ring Dips
15x Ring Rows(feet on a box)
20x Wall Balls@20lbs
90 Single Unders
Finished in 22:58
Another two mile run, this time on a groomed trail. It was a much easier run than the rechnical trail I ran on Sunday.
I think I gained weight last week-The junk food has to go!
Yep, I ate a box of Girl Scout cookies over the weekend. There are also similar cookies sold at Walgreens and Aldi that we buy regularly.
I really do eat too much candy and chips. I think it's time to take them off the grocery list.
X2 on brewski
Today's WOD:
EMOM 10":
Three position clean (Started with 75lbs and finished with 95)
METCON (Time) 10 rounds:
5x Thrusters
5x Pull Ups
5x Burpees
Finished in: 17:39
Added some Abs workout:
5x20Russian Twists
5x20 Weighted Sit-ups.
Upper Body this evening:
Pushups 3x30
Swimmers press 2x6
Front/side raises 1x6
Tricep bench dip 2x8
Supermans 2x10
Russian twists 2x20
Standing calf raises 1x10
I changed up my routine to give my muscles some confusion. As heavy as I can lift for the 5 reps. These fullbody workouts are working well for me.
5x5 Squats
5x5 Incline Benchpress
5x5 Dumbbell Rows
5x5 Barbell Curls
5x5 Tricep Dumbbell Extensions
Been a lazy git this week and didn't even make the normal Friday ride.
I will make up for it tomorrow though and am going back to the nature reserve just outside of town to go and do 2 laps of the reserve.
I went back to the Reserve this morning with the crowd that are riding Joburg 2 Sea. Only did one lap as some of the guys were really slow and time constraints started to play a part. Did manage to do some hill repeats whilst waiting and ended up with 61km.
Did see some nice wildlife, a Kudu, Wildebeest, Zebra and a Red Hartebeest.
Today's strenth training:
1 set of each
Squat jumps 10
Jump rope 60 secs
Alternate side lunges 10 each leg
Burpies 10
Dumbell squats 10
Bird dog 10 each side
Standing calf raises 10
Plank 30 secs
Dumbbell curls 6
Yesterday: 2.5 mile run at track, 2 mile hike.
I'm adding abthird strength training workout to my week. I stuck with one set since I havent done some of these in a while. Hopefully Ill be able to add on sets as it comes back to me.
This morning I did a three mile run. I have a metronome on my phone and I had it set between 160 and 170 bpm for the run. I'm working toward 180 bpm.
Today was rather a short workout...
Started with a floor chest press. Initial set up at 95lbs and worked towards 1Rep max.
Finished at 195lbs.
Then Helen came to light:
3 rounds of
400m run
21x American Kettle Bell swings
12 push-ups.
Finished in 13:05
Yesterday: Two mile run.
This afternoon:
Jump squats 2x10
Lunges 2x8
Dumbell squats 2x10
Standing calf raises 2x10
Pushups 2x10
Crunches 2x30
Bridges 3x30 secs
Unfortunately I've been out of action this week in hospital and only being discharged tomorrow.
Was supposed to be discharged on Tuesday after a minor surgical procedure but they ended up doing a skin graft and I've had to stay here whilst the Docs allow the graft to take.
Have just started to work out again afyer a couple of years off due to too much work and not enough time. Picked up a full rack and Olympic bar and weights, couple benches and assorted pieces for a good price second hand so can work out at home.
I am keeping it simple and heavy training 3 days a week. Today was legs and arms
Weight is in kgs and still working up to where I was which I fully expect will take a bit.
Back squat 85 95 105 drop 60 all x 8
Straight leg deads 75 x 8 x 4
Front squat deep to heels 47.5 x 8 x 4
Leg curl 16.25 x 8 x 4
Leg extensions 40 x 8 x 4
Bench dips with 5kg x 10 x 4
Overhead extensions 27kg x8 x4
Pushdowns 40 40 45 50 all x 8
Ez bar curl 27kg x8 x4
Hammer curl 10kg x 8 x4
Incline curl 10 x 8 x4
This is my friday workout and probably wont change much just keep adding weight till I start to plateu and then will mix it up.
That's a bumer, Thug. Hang in there!
Thanks Guys.