That's hot! I bet you are riding and running in the mornings.
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This afternoon's workout was a 1.5 mile trail run & one mile walk. The mulch on the trail was frozen and it sounded like I was running on corn flakes cereal.
Attachment 224386
Did a 13km LSD run on Sunday. It was -22c on Saturday, so I was a bit worried what the temp was going to be, but it eneded up being a balmy -8c.
This morning was a three person circuit workout. One person sprinted across the Quesnell bridge, while the second ran the stairs beside the pile of balls (a municupal art piece), and the third did body weight exercises.
Yesterday was a 10k on the erg. I was definitely feeling the effects of the drinks I'd had the night before... Held pace, but the HR was higher than normal and it felt tough.
Today was 6 x 25 pushups around lunch time and 20 mins of TGU's with the 16 kg bell. I ordered a 20 kg bell, and it should arrive Wednesday, maybe in time for long cycle presses, if FedEx makes a timely delivery.
Did a 7k treadmill tempo run at lunch. I've lamented my feelings on treadmills before, and I stand by them. Vile machines.
4.8k of stairs this morning, in T-shirt weather, only -3c!!!
I've been 'under the weather' for a bit, but thankfully it's going away. I actually felt a lot more like myself after my overdue gym time today.
-Incline Dumbbell Press
-Cable Rows
-Military Press
-Ez Curl Bar Bicep Curls
-Leg Press
-Calf Raise
Now for some sleep.
I was able to squeeze a 1.5 mile run in this afternoon.
A 43km night ride last night with a big climb thrown in for good measure.
Warmup: lunges, side lunges, knee to chests, cranes, air squats, pushups.
Routine: squat jumps 1 x 10, dumbell squats 3 x 6, body weight lunges 2 x 8, bridges 3 x 10, crunches 3 x 20, single leg balance 3 x 30 secs.
Tues was a 6 x 25 pushups at lunch and a 10k on the erg with the last 1k at a good clip.
Yesterday I did long cycle press. Upped to a 45 lb bell, dropped down to 5 right, 5 left, jog in place for one min. Made it through 9 cycles, and knew the left arm wouldn't make it through a 10th.
Today I did 4 x 25 pushups and took the afternoon off.
A 30km ride with the road crew this morning.
Have another long ride planned tomorrow morning. Ride to a bike park, a loop around and then the ride home. Should be between 75-80km.
Hi everyone,
So I dropped by an Anytime Fitness gym in Medicine Hat today. Although this particular AF has an abundance of cable & Smith machines over free weights and benches, I did manage to get a pretty good workout, and the place was spotless.
-Incline dumbbell presses
-Seated rows
-Overhead press
-Barbell curls
-Concentration curls
-Chest press
-Pec deck fly's
-Tricep rope pulldowns
-Decline sit-ups
-Leg curls
Enjoy your weekend!
I went for a two mile trail run this afternoon. It felt pretty good.
A 68km ride this morning with mates.
On our way back from the bikepark, we cycled through some really dodgy parts of town.
Upper body routine
Routine: exercize ball dumbell bench press 3x10, swimmers press 2x8, dumbell overhead arm extension 3x8, pushup 2x 10, plank 30 sec, front/ side raises, 2x8, supermans 2x 10 w/ 2 second hold, bicycles 20, reverse crunch 20.
Workout from home, as per usual. I probably need to get more weights since I really don't have enough weight for the bench press. I defenitely need more upperbody work. I might add a couple to lower body day.
This afternoon I went for a 1.5 mile trail run. There was one inch of snow on the ground. The s ow was powdery and made a sqeaky sond when tread upon. Kind of funny.
I've been rather derilict in my workout posting of late so here goes:
Saturday: Did a 24 mile ride down to Well Springs park on The Codger. The entrance to the park is right up against The Pinellas Trail bike path. There are lots of paved paths around the park and it's a nice quiet place to just relax and look around. Unfortunately my phone was going dead (cursed technology, it really is a love hate relationship with me). Anyway I managed to snap this pic before my phone turned into a door stop
Sunday: It was kinda damp and cold this morning so I decided to run on the treadmill. A five miler on the treadmill
Wow, that's a beautiful picture you took. :tu
Sunday's Workout-4x10 Benchpress
-3x11 Military Press
-3x10 Shrugs
-3x12 T-Bar Rows
-3x12 Preacher Curls
-3x17 Leg Extensions
-20 Minutes On Rower
Friday was 6 x 25 pushups at work and a 10k on the erg when I got home.
Sat I did 10 right, 10 left, jog in place snatches with a 40 lb bell (was visiting a gym).
Took the day off yesterday, and I'm about to hop on the erg for a 10k.
Monday's Cardio
About 10 minutes of combination punches on the heavy bag, followed by 25 minutes of interval running on the treadmill.
Went for a 13km long run on Sunday, then 30 min tabata session monday with 2km warm up and 2k cool down.
Had a nice 5km tempo run this evening.
6 x 25 pushups at work. 20 mins (10 reps per side) of TGU's with the new 45 lb bell.
Lifting today, cardio tomorrow:
-Military Press
-Cable Curls
-Leg Press
-Pec Deck Fly's
-Leg Extensions
Worked from home today. Did a 3 mile run on my lunch break. Tomorrow morning may be a cold bike ride.
5.1k of stairs this morning.
7.5k treadmill run yesterday at my goal pace of 5:30/km.
30 minutes on the rower, as well as 25 minutes on the elliptical takes care of my cardio for today. :D
-4x10 Flat Benchpress
-3x11 Military Press
-3x10 Skullcrushers (each set ending with close grip benchpress)
-3x8 Deadlift
-3x15 Leg Extension
Upped it to 11k on the erg yesterday at 2:05 splits.
Today I did 5 right, 5 left, jog in place for 1 min long cycle press with the 45 lb bell. Made it through 10 sets, which I'm pretty happy with.
Oh, and 6 x 25 pushups each day at work.
It's been raining most of the week here but managed to get out this morning with the usual Friday crew and did just over 30km. Fridays are normally at a relatively pedestrian pace and serves as a recovery ride for the hard rides that have taken place during the week.
What I didn't bargain on though was the pace. Seems the rain during the week took its toll and cycling frustrations were clearly in evidence. :dropjaw:
My normal average Friday pace including the ride from home to the start which is approx 9k's is around 26.5-27kph. This morning's ride averaged in excess of 29kph.
Reading everyone's comments on their upload to Strava was quite amusing. The best one was #brutalfridayridesmustfall :D
7km Tempo run lst night, managed a 4:50/km pace over the middle 2k.
7km of hills this morning.