Ah, so maybe I'll try an ez bar
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5k treadmill interval run at lunch today.
8.5k hill run this morning, 1 mile jog later tonight. rest tomorrow.
A 12.2km trail run this morning with some mates and a couple of hill repeats thrown in.
A 70km bike ride this morning.
Ran a slow mile on my rest day, just to keep the streak going. "Long run" day on Sunday of 6.5km. So far keeping up my goal pace for the half. 1 mile run with the missus afterwards.
12 days of Christmas workout
12 split lunges
11 Jumping jacks
10 pushups
9 leg drops
8 plank reaches
7 squat jumps
6 mountain climbers
5 partnered squat jumps
4 tricep dips
3 sumo squat jumps
2 plyo burpees
1 250m sprint
plus a 3k warm up/cool down
Two hours of bouldering including some harder (for me) problems as well as some traversing and some campussing and I was still able to do 15 close grip chin ups at the end.
Today marks eight days of climbing in the last 16...
A 6km run this evening.
5k treadmill run at lunch.
A hard 32km ride this morning.
Fun 5.5k of stairs this morning after freezing rain last night.
Hurt elbow is feeling better- but a nice easy body weight workout to get back into the routine! I am thinking just a couple of sets each of pull-ups and push-ups:)
-Flat Bench
-Military Press
-Barbell Curls
-Dumbbell Fly's
-Weighted Calf Raises
-Leg Press
-22 Minutes Elliptical
I'm working my way back...kind of sore in the legs today. Anyway, this evening I did some easy running at the track. I thought it was funny when using saw a cigarette butt on the track. I'm guessing the wind brought it but the image of someone doing laps and taking a smoke break every lap ran through my head.
True, but in my case, it's a Florida thing. Shorts were cool here long before anyone knew what a hipster was. In fact, if I didn't have to go to work, I"d probably be in shorts all the time. That said, I do rock a handlebar moustache and have been known to drink Pabst Blue Ribbon beer :)
Oh, I've been missing out on this thread... I've been back to working out these past few months.
Today was pushups:
40, 40, 30, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10.
We might have different ideas of what a hipster is. :)
This is my idea of a hipster...
Attachment 221347
Anyway, this morning I cycled in Lycra (definitely unhipster like).
27k's with the Friday crew. Cut short by approx 3km's as the road agency are busy resurfacing a section of the road.
9k hill run this morning, was late getting to the pre hill meet up, so I had to push it to make the start on time. Was quite happy with myself, averaged 5:02/km and made it in the nick of time. Averaged 6:14/km through the hills and cool down.
Also, got random Lululemon gift card this morning, time for new strechy pants.
Friday's Workout
-Flat Benchpress
-Incline Dumbbell Press
-Barbell Rows
-Preacher Curls
-Leg Extensions
-Leg Curls
Dumbbell press
Swimmer's curls
Front/side raises
Russian twists
2 miles walking and running on a local trail.
60 min TT intervals on an indoor trainer.
A magic 11km trail run this morning with gentle falling rain.
Makes a change from the 35deg heat we've been having these past couple of days.
'Off' day from lifting
-Short warmup with the punching bag.
-1/2 hr on rower, 10 minutes underhand grip, 20 minutes overhand grip.
Well, yesterday's 'workout' was climbing this route (Blue line, Asgard, grade 16) 11 times straight with no rest between climbs on solo top rope. It's an easy climb that comes down to a three finger pocket and a lay back to the L at the top. I've been playing with the idea of doing it free solo (no rope) but I'm not sure I'm brave enough :-)
After that it was off to the bouldering club to do two hours of bouldering.
Feeling a little sore today, not sure if I'll climb today at all; may go for a bike ride or in fact I may do nothing ;-)
Still averaging a little more than climbing every 1 in 2 days, at this point it's 10 days climbing in the last 19 days.
Attachment 221442
I cycled to a bikepark/nature reserve on the other side of town. A 28.5k ride there, then a 30k loop in the reserve and then the cycle back. All in, 87km.
My Weekend Behind Bars Part I
Saturday 12/12: Took the fatty to the beach and did a 30 mile ride completely ON the beach. From Sand Key Park down to John's Pass I cruised the shoreline of almost an entire barrier island. This is the ride that brought the fatty to the dance. There wasn't much not to like about this ride. It was a beautiful day with temperatures in the mid-80's. A slight sea breeze kept things comfortable. I've read many complaints about fat bikes being slow lumbering creatures and to be honest, these complaints are not entirely without basis in fact. Without the aid of gravity it is near impossible to make a fatty go fast. The trade off however, is that it allows you to ride in places where you have absoluetly no desire to go fast. I was content to just cruise in low gear, keeping it aerobic via high RPM spinning and enjoying the scenary and the sound of the waves coming ashore.
http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/v...pso8rtgiqk.jpg http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/v...ps34ijvdoi.jpg
I saw a Christmas sand sculpture, some people getting married, and a post-card quality Florida sunset (unfortunately by that time my phone was dead so I don't have a pic). Of course the abundance of scantily clad young lovlies was no small distraction either (come on folks, I'm old but I ain't dead).
It was indeed a beautiful day and a wonderful ride!
My Weekend Behind Bars Part II:
Sunday 12/13: My legs were a bit stiff after yesterday's long ride so I opted for an easy 16 miler down to Tarpon Springs on The Codger. I'm rather pleased with my recent modifications to this bike. I stripped off the fenders and chain guard and as the monotone black was harshing my chi a bit, I painted the rims red. A few degrees cooler today but temps well into the 80s and not a cloud in the sky. A pretty leisurely ride but I had a blast just the same.
My hipster bike :). I've got some new handlebars, hand grips and red hand grenade valve stem caps on the way. Now to find a handlbar mounted hoola girl to complete the effect. Love this bike for just casual cruising. Between this one and the fatty I seem to be doing lots of smiling these days.
-3x12 Underhand Barbell Rows
-3x10 Military Press
-3x10 Incline Dumbbell Curls
-3x14 Skullcrushers
-3x10 Deadlifts
-3x12 Squats
Have a good week of exercise, Gents. ;)