Very nice.
What pressures you running your tyres? Don't over inflate as you'll lose the advantage of grip and the ability to roll over objects and sand.
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28:19 of stairs this morning, -26c with the wind. May have to put on a second layer soon.
Leisurely bike ride on a beautiful sunny 52 degree day. Burning about 208 calories followed by a series of intense right arm curls. I figure the arm curls will put me about 3000 calories in the black. Net gain= 2792 calories.
Had my MTB club's AGM tonight so decided to ride there and ride home.
Ok, well the ride home was slightly wobbly but I made it in one piece. 16km in total.
20 minutes of wind sprints for warmup. 1/2 hour bag work to get exhausted. Then tried to do my 150 pushups, 150 situps, 1200 squats. Went OK, I only cried a little bit.
Warmed down with 15 minutes of jumping jacks (star jumps) and then ran through my kata which put the heart rate back up there, so went for a 10 minute swim.
I'm definitely ready for this grading coming up. Problem is that no matter how fit you are, they push you to see what you'll do, so for me it is about recovery between efforts and that seems to be OK.
What I'm most concerned with is the 10 (1 minute) rounds of grappling - really really tires me out and there's some big guys they'll throw at me for the weight. It will be fine, I just have to remember to pace myself.
Another 29km this morning with the usual Friday crew.
Not even 7:30 here yet and I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee already. :)
Part of last night's 'workout'. Two hours of bouldering at The Adelaide Bouldering Club and a bit of mucking around campussing too :-)
Feeling strong for 53...
Hey, Bee Tee Doubleyou. Anyone do intermittent fasting? Essentially I gather it's eating your last meal at 20:00 and eating again at 12:00.
Generally I don't eat breakfast but have a coffee with two sugars at 06:30 then another coffee with another two sugars and a banana at 08:15.
I have 'first lunch' at about 09:30. 'First lunch' is 1/2 a serve of whatever we had for tea the night before.
Then I have a couple of handfuls of raw nuts at 13:00 and 'second lunch' at 14:00. 'Second lunch' is the other half of the serving of last night's tea. Tea is at 20:00.
Might change to intermittent fasting and scrap the sugar in the coffees and the banana and push first lunch out to 12:00.
Ideas? Thoughts? Motivation?
Only time I consciously fast is when I'm asleep.
Hey Jimbo,
150 pushups after 1/2 an hour of bag work? Cool.
Have you done any climbing at all? Seriously, long climbing (I suggest bouldering) with a lot of traversing; or basically just staying on the wall climbing, will really bring up your endurance for pulling movements used in grappling.
I know nothing about martial arts but I did Krav Maga for a little and sort of understand what muscles might be worked in grappling. I'd work on some climbing; even the monkey bars at the local play ground offer a great solution...
Hope you go well in the grading. Work out what your motivation is first. Generally, I get most of my motivation by showing off. I always work harder if someone is watching or present... :-)
Hi Carl,
Well for me bag work is mostly kicking, so it's probably not as impressive as it might have first appeared.
I'll give some thought to climbing. My upper body strength is excellent from years at the gym, but the endurance is just not there. I can usually bench press the first 4 guys off me if I get the chance, after that it's not a pretty sight!
Grading is in a week, so no time now to start new work, but will definitely keep climbing in mind. I'm retiring from this MA after, and taking up BJJ I think, so they'll probably have grip training etc too.
Oh, on the fasting thing. I dunno mate, I can see how it could be a good thing on occasion but for me it's not something I have ever really done. You doing it to keep the weight down? Not sure what happens to our metabolisms as we age (probably slows I guess), but I've always heard more frequent, smaller meals is better than skipping meals.
Statred a mile-a-day challenge yesterday with SWMBO, which is basically what it sounds like, run a mile a day everyday until new year's, maybe even beyond that.
Hill run this morning, no pre/post runs at all this week. Giving the body a chance to get ready as I start my half-marathon training on Sunday.
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Not doing it to keep weight down as such, more to keep the fat down. I'm trying to be as lean as I can be while maintaining strength. However, I don't want to get 'stringy' so i might need to start doing some weights again soon. Generally, for climbing, what I want is good power to strength ratio.
This morning I'm down to 62.9 kilos and 16.3% body fat. However, I'm probably in reality closer to 11 or 12% body fat (I use those electronic scales which aren't accurate, and if I change just the age setting to be 25 they tell me I'm around 12%).
I actually haven't noticed a change in my metabolism really; it still seems to be pretty fast...
I do like smaller meals too, which is why I have 'first lunch' and 'second lunch' which is really just one normal lunch serving split in to two :-)
7km trail run this morning.
edit: 26km singlespeed ride this afternoon.
-Military Press
-Dumbell Curls
-Leg Press
-20 minutes on rower
Went to the Beach and Rolled Me a Fatty
Finally got the fat bike into it's proper operating environment. 20+ mile ride on the beach. Believe it or not, this bike does far better on the beach than on the pavement. Even on the really soft sugar sand far above the tide line, it plowed through effortlessly and was just an absolute blast. I pretty much smiled through the entire ride. This may have been the most fun I've ever had fully clothed. I'd considered a ride in the woods tomorrow but may just go back for some more cruising on the beach. I'm totally impressed with the bike's performance in sand. It's better than I expected and riding on the beach is so totally relaxing and totally Zen, I can see myself doing this most weekends.
A 55km ride this morning.
Legs are now really really tired.
Just over 10 miles on the fat bike today (had to get home for the football games). Once again the bike was amazing. I put it on the beach at Sand Key Park and rode south to Indian Rocks Beach and back.
Throngs of spectators were on hand to cheer me on as I rode by
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The beach didn't have many people on it and the weather was near perfect. These beach rides are so cool and so relaxing. All in all another great day at the beach for me and the fatty
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It won't take many more weekends like this to turn me into a full on fat bike hippy :)
PS: Yeah, Yeah, I know, I need a shave. I'm off to take care of that right now.
Sunday's Workout
-Power Cleans
-Military Press
-Barbell Curls
-T-Bar Rows
-Incline Dumbbell Presses
I was still aching a bit from the last workout, as everybody knows how it is to sit down or climb stairs after a lot of compound leg work. Lots of pre-stretching, and once I got started it felt a lot better. Ended up being a great workout....until tomorrow. ;)
Friday evening, SWMBO wasn't feeling well, so i went solo for the mile-a-day, set a couple PRs, 1k in 4:05, 1 mile in 6:56.
Saturday, rest day. Did a slow 1 mile for the day with wife.
Sunday, officially started half marathon training with a 4k, pretty much on pace with my goal pace for the half. Hopefully I can keep it up as the mileage builds. Ran a nice easy mile in the evening with wife.
Monday morning, 8.5km with 4 rounds of body weight exercises to "Roxanne" and "Flower"aka Sally. I think I've explained the principle of these before, but:
(1) 3.5 mins
Sally up= Squat jump
Sally down= squat
2 minute "sprint"
(2) 3.5 mins
Roxanne=plank tuck
Red light= plank jack
2 minute "sprint"
(3) 3.5 mins
Roxanne=squat jump
Red light= squat shuffle
2 minute "sprint"
(4) 3.5 mins
Sally up= pushup
Sally down = drop down from pushup, hover
Will do my mile when I get home tonight.
A very easy 2km in Lunas tonight.
My 'workouts' are pretty consistent these days, just different forms of climbing.
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Yes, on the beach I run 10 PSI in the back and 8 PSI up front. There are several single speed fat bikes on the market. I came very close to buying one. Then I decided for my purposes (almost exclusively adverse terrain and off road) that having some gears would be preferred.
16 mile ride down to Tarpon Springs on The Codger. This morning I removed some of the extra sheet metal on this bike (chain guard and fenders) and checked my tire inflation. Probably all in my head but the bike felt faster today.
Got my mile in last night, but was damn tired, slept right after.
5k treadmill tempo run today for my half training. I despise treadmills.
Another mile tonight with SWMBO.
Today's Workout
3x15 Dips
3x10 One Arm Dumbell Rows
3x12 Cable Rows
3x12 Skullcrushers
4x10 Shrugs
3x14 Leg Curls
20 Minutes Rowing Machine
Lots Of Protein!
5k of stairs this morning, will probably go to the gym at noon for a good stretch session, then another mile tonight.
19.4km so far this week.
Did an 8km trail run tonight on a local golf course. The slowest time for that route, so I know there is plenty of work to do.