Did some lifting today:
-Incline bench press
-Cable rows
-Dumbbell shrugs
-Single arm dumbbell preacher curls
-Leg curls
-Weighted calf raises
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Did some lifting today:
-Incline bench press
-Cable rows
-Dumbbell shrugs
-Single arm dumbbell preacher curls
-Leg curls
-Weighted calf raises
Did some yard workout today- two of us moved two entire pallets of cut rock from the street to the back yard!
Around a mile run today working on cadence. Most of the run was at 170 steps per minute, working for 180.
First Workout Of The Year
-3x10 Military Press
-4x12 Wide Pulldowns
-3x12 Concentration Curls
-2x10 Front Squat
-2x10 Back Squat
-3x6 Deadlift
Have a great year in 2016, gents. :chapeau
My wife and I joined a CrossFit Box last year. At 63 I'm the senior there. I had never been to a gym in my life, but these days I can't imagine not going 3 or 4 times a week.
For the first workout of the year I'll be partnering up with 2 others to share the fun. 2016 reps total!
The first WOD of 2016..
150 Push Ups
150 KBS (55/35)
150 Wall Balls(20/14)
400 Single Unders (200 Double Unders)
106 Pull Ups
150 Squats
110 Box Jumps (24/20)
200m Partner Carry (all members run but 1 is being carried at all times. Switch anytime)
600 secs of Weighted Planks (45/35 plate on back)
FYI: 2016 reps total!
I hate wall balls !
Still trying to work off the punishment for the holiday food overload. Here goes....
-20 minutes on the punching bag
-3x25 leg lifts
-3x25 sit-ups
-25 minutes on the treadmill
Been away for the past 3 days at a farm owned by a group of mates.
Managed to get it some riding and trail running. Not too much distance as the gradients are rather high, so it was a question of climbing for 3 - 4 km and then bombing down back to the start.
Here's a view of the profile.
Attachment 223458
Most of the runs / rides are like this on handbuilt singletrack.
Another tempo run today, 1.5 mile at 170 steps per minute.
Have been offline through the holidays, but kept up my training program. Finished off my mile-a-day challenge new years day, which was harder than expected. A mile doesn't seem like that much to run, but when you have to do it EVERY day for 5 weeks, it's quite the grind.
Also had an epic moment just before Christmas, every 6 months we do a 6k across all the cities so everyone can compare, race people youve met on travels, etc, etc. My first 6k in June was 38:08 or 6:12/km, 6 months later I did it in 30:38 or 5:10/km. I was verrrrry happy with that progress.
And then on Christmas day I went and worked out in a onesie while my brother was dressed like a godzilla, then afterwards, there was some rum and someone brought out a few reindeer. Y'know, fairly standard friday morning.
Trying some new things. Long row's are up to 10k, and I'm doing single exercises on KB days with more sets/higher reps. Alternating rowing and KB days. Gotta figure out where to work in pushups.
Three days ago was a 10k, two ago was long cycle press, yesterday was a 10k in the morning and snatches alternating in sets of 10 for a total of 80 straight, and today was 20 mins of TGU's. If that doesn't go all the way back to my previous post, it's because I've forgotten.
Monday's Workout
-5x8 Benchpress
-3x12 Chin-ups
-3x10 Overhead Press
-3x10 Barbell Curls
-3x20 Leg Press
-3x14 Weighted Calf Raises
-3x12 Incline Dumbbell Curls
Went for an attempted treadmill run at lunch, everything felt off. will try again at home after work.
6 x 25 pushups at lunch, and a 10k after work. Slowed my splits to a steady 2:05 (was doing 2:03's previously) to keep the heartrate down a bit (maxed at 165 instead of the usual 175).
Warmup: lunges, side lunges, knee to chest, cranes air squats, pushups.
Routine: dumbell squats 3 x 8, bodhweight lunges 2 x 6, bridges 3 x 20 sec hold, bicycles 3 x 25, planks 2 x 30 sec hold, single leg balance 3 x 30 sec hold.
I did a 9.5km run yesterday after I got home from work.
Was supposed to wake up early this morning for a ride but with the heat we are currently experiencing, I'm battling to fall asleep and trying to wake up at 4:15 a.m. just isn't happening.
No luck running after work last night, but did 4.7km of stairs this morning.
6 x 25 pushups around lunch time.
Tried out a new long cycle press routine with the 16 kg bell after work:
1 min running in place, 5 right, 5 left, 5 right, 5 left (takes 3 mins). Repeat. Did 10 cycles, so 100 reps per side. I like it.
1.5 mile run this evening. Not much gas in the engine.:)
Made up for Tuesday's run last night, 9km.
Got in a bit of strength training at lunch.
leg press 4x10
seated calf raise 3x12
leg curl 3x12
leg extension 3x12
stationary lunges x20
stationary squats x20
forward walking lunges 25m x3
backward walking lunges 25m x3
side squat shuffle 25m x6
clamshell x50
plank rotisserie
single arm/leg superman x40
single leg v-sit crunch x40
Just thought I'd pop in and talk about protein... :-)
I’m having a lot of discussion about protein consumption in my house lately with my two sons who both appear to be as obsessive as I in regards to working out and body image.
The kitchen is starting to look like a chemist shop and the front veranda like muscle beach in the 60s. Discussions revolve around what protein source is better (whey protein, BCAA, pea or rice protein, etc) and the timing of the protein intake. I recall reading that if you take protein immediately after a workout with some simple carbs the protein would be taken to the muscle with the carbs as your muscles wanted glycogen at that stage. However, I also recall reading a study that showed there was no difference in regards to when protein was consumed. These days I’m more interested in strength than size, yet wish to maintain some size (to fill out my aging, baggy skin) and wish to be as lean as possible so I don’t need to move ‘useless’ fat when I climb.
I came across a paper that set out to analyse a whole bunch of studies. The end result was that when confounders were taken in to consideration and certain studies excluded due to not ensuring the same type or quantity of protein intake and other problems the timing of when protein was taken was shown to be immaterial.
The paper showed that the amount of protein was more a factor rather than when it was ingested.
Also, interestingly, it showed that while there was a correlation between protein intake (and resistance training) and muscle size, there was no correlation between protein intake and strength gains. I’ve taken some text from the study and highlighted the interesting bits below.
The paper is at
Attachment 224001
Interesting stuff, thanks Carl! I always felt that my muscles were less sore if I ingested a dose of protein/fast sugars (from fruits) relatively soon after exercise. Then again, when I work out, I consume more protein in general throughout the day, so it may very well always have been that.
If I understand what it says in your abstract correctly, they found that more protein does not equal more strength (unlike the influence of additional protein for additional lean mass), as they state that 'total protein intake did not have an impact on strength' (highlighting my own). You will still need protein, possibly more than the RDA when doing strength training (I can't find a yay or nay on that in the abstract shown here, though, and haven't reader the entire thing yet) but you won't gain additional strength the more protein you consume. At least I'm pretty sure that's what they mean. I'll give the whole thing a read over the weekend.
But yes, interesting, and it hints at what I've always considered to be true: people tend to make things too difficult and turn them into (pseudo-)rocket science. Nutrition seems to be especially prone to that treatment.
Thanks Carl.
Interesting reading and it applies equally to runners & cyclists as well. Protein stores converted to glycogen for long performance duration as opposed to increased strength.
So I was planning the standard Tarpon Springs ride on The Codger this morning. When I poked my head out the door it was drizzling, nasty and not very warm. I decided to roll a fatty instead :)
Aside from being absolute killer off road, this bike is proving to be a fun and capable casual cruiser. The best part is that when you get a little steam behind it it sounds like this coming down the street:
Actually, not too bad. Did 7k after work that evening, and 8k of hills in the river valley this morning and felt pretty decent. I certainly held back a bit as I think I'm up around 50k for the week and looking forward to a proper rest day tomorrow.
I'll throw this out there, I've been utilizing compression tights for the past few weeks to aid recovery by wearing them for a few hours post workout, and I feel as though they are providing a bit of a boost to recovery. That and a regimen of foam rolling and cupping in the evenings.
The recent rains have melted the snow on the track so it was 1.5 miles running plus one mile of walking to and from. I feel much better after today's run than the previous runs on sidewalks. I feel softer surfaces like the track and trails are easier on the joints than concrete and pavement, despite some arguments saying there is no difference.
Was feeling a bit worn out after work yesterday, so I took the evening off. Still did 6 x 25 pushups at work, though.
Today I did my 6 x 25 pushups at work and a 10k on the erg when I got home. Was feeling good at around a 2:04, so I decided to pump the last 1k at 2:00. That bumped the HR from about 160 to about 170.
And, with regards to the protein discussion, I have a scoop of whey in a pint of whole milk (and take a multi-vitamin) right after my afternoon/evening workout. Also, when I started working out again, I added in peanut butter and animal crackers as a "breakfast" (usually around 8-10am) to try to up my daily calories and protein.
Apart from my run earlier this week, I hadn't done anything else this week, that is until this morning.
A 113km singlespeed ride with some of my mates who are doing a 9 day stage race in April. As I'm doing my 5 day race around 6 weeks later, we've decided to do a lot of training together.
My efforts and training in December certainly paid off as I had a good ride and felt strong the whole way. I just mustn't lose the momentum!
6 x 25 pushups around lunch, and kettlebell work in the afternoon. I did 5 right, 5 left, 5 right, 5 left, jog in place for 30 s. That was 2 mins each. Repeated 10 times for 200 reps in 20 mins (with the 16 kg). I've been looking for a bigger bell on craigslist, but no luck so far.
This afternoon's upper body workout at home.
Dynamic warm-up: lunges, side-lunges, knee-to- chest, cranes, air squats, pushups.
Dumbbell press, seated on exercize ball 3 sets x 8 reps
Swimmers press, exercize ball 2x 8
Overhead triceps extensions 2 x 10
Pushups 2 x 10
Front/side raises 2 x 10
Superman 2 x 10 w/2 second hold
Bicycles 2 x 20
I have been forced to live vicariously through all of you for the next 3-4 weeks while my ribs heal:( I hurt them in the yard when I got nearly impaled by a wheelbarrow handle...
Well, that sounds awful Ernie! I hope you recover speedily.
It is terrible...sneezing and any twisting movement hurts like a son of a gun!
Today's workout
35 min. on elliptical
3 x 30 sec supermans
3 x 10 pushups
3 x 30 sets of bicycle crunches
2 x 30 sec sitting straight leg toe - touch stretching
2 x 30 sec butterfly stretches
1 x 30 isolated bicycle crunches (all 30 on left side first then 30 on the right side)
3x10 chest press (105, 120, 120)
15 squats
10.5 minutes running on the treadmill
(9 minutes at 5.2mph + 1.5 minutes at 6.2 mph
One of my mates who I rode with yesterday is also a big road runner and he convinced me to join him & his missus for a 15km road race this morning. The first 6km's are all downhill and then the climbing starts all the way to the finish!
I can definitely feel my quads after that run.
So all in all, a good training and exercise weekend.
The temperature is currently 0 deg F. I'm going to wait until midday to run.