Great pics!
Thanks for sharing, I miss climbing a lot!
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Bailed out on todays planned ride. Weather looked a bit like it was going to turn nasty. Storm season is coming. Hopefully make up for it either tomorrow or over the weekend.
Hammis hurt today...
A) Wendler Deadlifts
Warm Up: 5 @ 40%
5 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
Sets: 5 @ 75%
3 @ 85%
2 @ 95%(225lbs)
B) In 15 Min:
Row 1000m, Then:
Amrap in remaining time: 5+15reps
10 Thrusters (75lbs)
10 Knees2Elbows
I've been gaining strength by the workout while on my program, just added more to the bars again. Good for keeping one's motivation. This evening:
-3x8 Flat Benchpress
-3x10 Pull-downs
-3x10 Military Press (with EZ curl bar)
-3x10 Bicep Curls (with EZ curl bar)
-3x12 Leg Press
-3x12 Weighted Calf Raise
Last workout before 15k race day on Sunday. 2.5k warmup and 2.5k cooldown with 3.5k of hills, walk up/slow jog down.
"Rest day" from weights today, so it's treadmill time. Intervals of walking a moderate pace with the incline all the way up, and running with the deck level.
3x16 deep push-ups
3x9 pull ups
Took some hacks with my new bat in the back yard first to loosen everything up:)
Back to the weights:
-3x14 Dips
-3x10 Dumbell Rows
-4x10 Shrugs, (1 set behind the back)
-3x10 Preacher Curl
-3x10 Incline Dumbell Press
-3x10 Leg Press
-4x12 Incline Benchpress
-50 Sit-ups on flat bench
*Have a safe weekend, gents. :chapeau
A bit of closure today. On 28 June 15, I left the house to attempt my longest bike ride yet. The objective was Honeymoon Island State Park in Dunedin, a 36 mile round trip from the house. Five minutes into the ride I was struck by a car so I never made it to Honeymoon Island. Today I did and it was pretty sweet. Even managed a good bit of beach riding along the way. Not only did I ride the entire 36 miles but I did so on my new acquisition (official dubbed "The Codger"). This bike is 45+ pounds, single speed with 2 inch wide tires. I don't think I need a doctor to tell me my leg is OK :)
Did I mention this bike is a complete kick in the ass to ride? I'm on a bit of a fixed gear, minimalist kick of late. If The Codger is any indication, these are fantastic bikes for basic fitness riding. No technical or mechanical assistance all leg muscles and one hell of a cardio workout (especially on inclines). I should have The Codger's much fatter cousin, The Wart Hog, next weekend. Then it will be time to go to the woods and get muddy :) The Codger is certainly off road capable but The Wart Hog (with its 4" wide tires) will be my primary adverse terrain bike.
My theory is that if I train for a while on these fixed gear battleships, once I get back on the hybrid, I'll be a complete beast. That is, if my 38 inch thighs will fit on the hybrid. Kinda like learning straights with a shavette then moving to regular straights.
Haven't done much exercise recently although I did attend the MTB Single Speed World Champs in Hakuba, Japan last weekend.
Spent more time drinking beer than actually riding but a fantastic time was had. I even managed to double my straight razor collection!
Now that I'm back home, situation should be normalized. :)
Ran my first 15k yesterday, and nailed my goal 1:29:40, I was aiming for 1:30, feels good.
This morning, 2.5k warm up, 25 min lazy circuit training, 2.5k cool down.
The accident was not without its costs. Riding in traffic really freaks me out pretty badly now. I tend to ride places with a bike trail separated from traffic or in the future will do off road rides in state forests, long stretches of beach, etc. Fortunately there is a lot of this kind of riding available close by.
Lots of traffic here and lots of people hitting cyclists. Florida was second only to California in cyclists hit by cars every year. I prefer not to press my luck. The next time that happens, I may not be so lucky to emerge with just a broken leg. Besides, riding the way I have since the accident makes it a bit easier just to relax and enjoy the ride (as opposed to head on a swivel, working your ass off not to get dead.)
Congrats - great for you!
I love SS, back to the roots and having nice challenging workout at the same time.
It puts into perspective every ride you do vs. your regular mtb or roaddie. You feel the track and every elevation change.
Enjoy and keep the rubber side down.
The biggest argument that motorists have against this, is that cyclists don't pay licence fees! Which we all know is a cop-out and just hides the fact that motorists are largely impatient towards cyclists.
Both commuter & pleasure cyclists are regularly knocked over and killed in SA.
Been a while since I stopped by.
Got a bit slack with regular exercise but am now back on track - hiking in the hills with plenty of stair work. 12km yesterday.
Saw this the other day and thought it was worth sharing.
Strength & agility with a twist. A different way of using body weight for exercise...
I certainley understand your apprehension, I was involved in a head-on a few years ago, and felt the same way about driving, a couple times I had panick attacks driving down the highway. It will mellow down over time, but don't bottle it up inside, talk to someone about it and it will help.
I've been off the bike the last couple of days thanks to my youngest daughter who decided my leg was a good place to perch. Unfortunately I had my feet up at the time and my knee was hyper-extended a little in the process. Barely able to walk for more than a few minutes before things start to stiffen up. Looks like a few more days of R&R before I'm back into it.
Feel better Mick!
Today's Shoulders WOD:
A) Wendler De-load Bench Press:
5@ 95
5 @ 105
5 @ 125
B) 12 Min AMRAP:
10 Push Press (@95)
15 Wall Balls
20 Box Jumps
C) 50 Burpees for Time @3:28
15 mile bike ride after dinner tonight. Don't know if it's my lack of conditioning, the fact that I'm coming off an injury or the inherent slowness of fixed gear tanks but I don't seem near as fast as I was before the accident. Truth be told it's probably a little of all of that. Funny thing is, it doesn't seem all that important any more. The ride is the thing, I'm riding, I'll let the ride be what it is. If I feel like pushing hard I'll push hard if not, I'll take it easy. The point is I'm out there and I'm riding. It's really been pure child like Zen rides since I've gotten back on the bike.
Still feeling Sunday's run, but did my Stairs/Pushup/Situp/Burpee circuit this morning.
Tonight's workout was fairly quick, but effective. Took about 1 hr.
-Cable Pull-downs
-Standing Military Press
-Incline Dumbell Curls
-Front Squats
-Stiff Legged Deadlift
Not really a workout post, just a milestone on my bike...a singlespeed that my son and ladyfriend planned/gave me for my 60th (7 years ago)
Attachment 216312
Attachment 216313
On the bottom is the secret to smooth sailing...