Little MTB action yesterday - Mount Falcon and Lair O' the Bear Loop.
Total mileage:19.5m loop
Total Ascent: 2,655ft
Total Descent: 2,660ft
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Little MTB action yesterday - Mount Falcon and Lair O' the Bear Loop.
Total mileage:19.5m loop
Total Ascent: 2,655ft
Total Descent: 2,660ft
I'm sort of back in the loop training wise.
Did 16k today at 1h 7m.
Felt good to get that kind of time on this distance, a few more weeks and I should be able to get to where I was this spring.
Nice run!!
I am going to do 5 supersets of 20 push-ups followed immediately by 8 pull ups. I will vary the grip position of both.
I didn't want to do any thing resembling exercise today. I had planned a 70km ride. I had to force myself to even attempt my 40km ride and so I punished myself for being so damn lazy and added an extra 10kms to that. All up 50kms today.
Do girl scout cookie ALWAY constitute a cheat day ?
Today's drill:
Wendler Bench/ Press
Warm Up: 5 @ 40%
5 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
Sets: 3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%
B) 15 Min AMRAP:
10 Push Press (65% 1rm)
12 Box Jumps
200m Sprint
C) 100 Bicycles (elbow to knee) ABS
Today was one of my usual F/B routines, went pretty good. Tomorrow I'll probably do some light isolation exercises & some cardio.
-3x12 Cable Rows
-3x10 Military Press
-3x10 Preacher Curl
-3x8 Benchpress
-3x12 Deadlift
-3x12 Leg Press
-3x10 Dumbell Fly's
-3x12 Cable Fly's
I'm glad I'm not the only one who yells at themselves too now. No one actually hears me (that I know of) doing that as I tend to be alone on my rides. I curse and swear and call myself all sorts of nasty names as I push myself for greater effort. If my wife saw and heard me, she wouldn't think I was so harsh on the kids after all ;).
Stairs today, with 3k warm up/cool down. Felt like crap, work stress affecting my runs, not cool.
ahh, yes, but because of the magic of the int-er-net girl scout cookies can be had almost year round. Instead of having yo wait for that once or twice oh so special knock at the door'would you like to buy some girl scout cookies'.
As because they can be obtained out of season, then does that make any day that they are received, a Vail cheat day?
"Mary" Today (AMRAP 20):
5xHand Stand Push Ups
10xPistol Squats (Alternating legs)
Finished in 7 rounds and 25 reps, my arms & shoulders are dead now...
Bucketed rain...So I bailed today...Not literally of course. I just cancelled my planned ride for a day of more sunshine. I went an ogled bikes, bits I could add to my bike down at the bike shop instead. :)
-Military Press
-EZ Bar Bicep Curls
-Calf Raises
-25 minutes elliptical.
10k run today. 2.5k warm up, 5km hill repeats, 2.5 cool down. 5:58/avg. Also, finally under 210 lbs for the first time in 12 years.
It's cardio today, so the heavybag & treadmill are my 2 choices. (Thug was using his bike, I couldn't borrow it).
Back to the iron tomorrow, have a good weekend everyone.
Saturday's Workout:
-Incline Bench Press
-Barbell Rows
-Single Arm Dumbell Curls, (on preacher bench)
-Leg Press
-Decline Sit-ups
I thought it would be a good idea to get as much workout in as possible before the Thanksgiving onslaught. I'll have to spend the day doing cardio while the gym's closed for the Holiday!
try some superman pushups
Another 50km on the bike. I'm getting faster, but I almost overdid it today. I had to sit down for a good bit when I got back. I almost fainted. I don't think trying to sprint the last two kilometres was such a good idea now.
[QUOTE=whoever;1552683]try some superman pushups
I tried.......and I failed. You must have to have a different design to do them, my body said "no". ;)
Buenos Aires marathon (42k) early today. My personal record: 4:15 (not yet official, certainly less than 4:20).
One thing I can do, and that's push myself to my limits. Limits do vary depending on many factors too. The problem with that is, most people see their limits at a point somewhat lower than their actual limits really are. Years ago, when I was playing soldiers, my view of my limits was redefined, and is somewhat closer to actual breaking point than the average person. I tend to come very close to the edge of overdoing it. One day if I'm not careful, I just might. :)
correct :-) and if you didn't push past your limits , you would never gain muscle or expand your limits, I say limits are when you just physically cannot do the exercise any more. but you still have to know when to stop after pushing past your limits to not injure yourself.
Pre and post turkey workouts on the long weekend.
Sunday, 11km run
Monday, Interval training:
Warm up; 5x 45 seconds on/15 seconds rest of Jumping jacks, mountain climbers, squats.
7x 1 minute of burpees, 50m sprint
5 minutes alernating 12x Slow pushups/V sits, 50m sprint
Finish off with a Sally of squats, 3.5 minutes.
What is Sally? Using Moby's "Flower" as a cue, "Sally down" means hold a squat until you hear "Sally up", then jump out of the squat, and then repeat for 3.5 minutes. Sounds easy, right. It can also be done with pushups.
Today's beating session:
A) Wendler Bench/Press
Warm Up: 5 @ 40%
5 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
Sets: 5 @ 75%
3 @ 85%
1+ @ 95% (155lbs)
B) Alternating: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Push Ups
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50 Am KBS (@44lbs)
C) 100 Med Ball Throw Sit Ups (wall)
Today's Workout:
-3x12 Pull-ups on squat rack
-3x10 Military Press
-3x10 Stiff Legged Deadlift
-3x10 Seated Cable Rows
-3x12 Dumbell Curls
-3x12 Tricep Rope Pull-downs
-3x12 Leg Extensions
-3x10 Leg Press
Hi guys. Been away climbing for the last nine days in The Grampians in Victoria. Each day was an incredible workout; hiking with a pack and 'crash pad' on my back, bouldering and lead climbing.
Lost 2 kilos and a whole percent of body fat. Also lost the skin from most of my fingers and, at times, my sanity.
Climbed a few V2 problems and a couple of V3s, also some 'high ball' (as in, if I fall I'm dead or seriously damaged if I fall) problems and some grade 19 lead climbs. Pretty easy stuff all in all but I'm happy with what I did.
I know it's rather self indulgent of me, but here are some photos:
On a boulder somewhere near Hall's Gap
Attachment 215339
On a slab near Hall's Gap. After three moves I'd had three footers break on me. It was a little sketchy but I needed to try it.
Attachment 215347
Sending 'Schleich Di' near Hollow Mountain cave.
Attachment 215348
On 'Three Sleeps' in a cave at a place named 'Loopeys' near Hollow Mountain cave.
Attachment 215349
Sending a problem named 'Karl' at a place named Snakepit.
Attachment 215350
If you zoom in really close you can see my "What the F am I doing?" face. Down-climbing into a cave above Taipan Wall.
Attachment 215351
Hunting boulders near Halls' Gap.
Attachment 215352
Good thing you've got the crash pad, some of them positions look pretty gnarly!
Man, I miss rock climbing. Looks like a blast.
Stairs today, warm up run at 5:15/km, 30 mins of stair repeats with pushup, situps and burpees at the top, cool down run at 5:45/km.