Tonight's strength training:
Dumbbell presses 2x15
Swimmers press 2x10
Bench dips 2x10
Pushups 2x10
Swiss ball pushups 10
Front/side raises 2x8
Supermans 2x10 w/two second pause
Bicycles 2x20
Dumbbell squats 10
Mountain climbers 20
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Tonight's strength training:
Dumbbell presses 2x15
Swimmers press 2x10
Bench dips 2x10
Pushups 2x10
Swiss ball pushups 10
Front/side raises 2x8
Supermans 2x10 w/two second pause
Bicycles 2x20
Dumbbell squats 10
Mountain climbers 20
There is now the French equivalent of Barkley...
I did a 30km bike ride this morning.
Upped weight for both squats and single leg curls
Back squats 110, 120, 130, 140 x 10 @2min
Straight leg deads 80, 90, 100, 110 x 10 @2min
Leg extensions 35, 45, 55, 65 x 10 @1min
Single leg curls 30 x10 x4 @1min
Bench dips +40kg x10 x 4 @2min
Skull crushers 37.5kg x10 x4 @1min
Pushdowns 55, 60, 65, 70 x 10 @1min
Ez bar curl 37.5kg x10 x4 @2min
Dumbell hammer curl 17.5kg x 10x 4 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 12.5kg x 10x4 @1min
Made reps on both dips and incline curls
A 15km run this morning.
Core work this afternoon. Thirty seconds of each exercise, two sets.
Mountain climbers
Flutter kicks
Plank jack
Russian twists
Side plank
Bird dog
Scissor crunches
A 26km singlespeed ride this morning.
Upped weight for both shoulder press and static holds
Db bench press 30, 35, 40, 45kg x10 x 4 @2min
Db incline press 35kg x10 x4 @2min
Db decline press 35kg x10 x4 @2min
Db flyes 17.5kg x10 x4 @2min
Shoulder press 65kg x10 x4 @2min
Front lat raise 15kg x10 x4 @2min
Side lat raise 15kg x10 x4 @2min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 15kg x10 x4 @2min
Barbell shrugs 170kg x12 x4 @1min
Static barbell holds 160kg for 15 sec x 4 @1min
Made reps on flyes, side raises and shrugs.
Yesterday I did a 5.8 mile trail run including a couple of tough hills. One of them I have never ran all the way up before.
An 8.5km run this morning.
Dead lift 150, 160, 170, 180 kg x 7 @2min
Standing bent over barbell rows 75 kg x10 x4 @2min
Bench bent over db rows 40 kg x10 x4 @2min
Close grip wide grip pull down 50 kg x 10 x 4 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 10 x 4 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x10 x4 @ consecutive alternating
Made reps on deads again
Back squats 110, 120, 130, 140 x 10 @2min
Straight leg deads 80, 90, 100, 110 x 10 @2min
Leg extensions 35, 45, 55, 65 x 10 @1min
Single leg curls 30 x10 x4 @1min
Bench dips +40kg x10 x 4 @2min
Skull crushers 37.5kg x10 x4 @1min
Pushdowns 55, 60, 65, 70 x 10 @1min
Ez bar curl 37.5kg x10 x4 @2min
Dumbell hammer curl 17.5kg x 10x 4 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 12.5kg x 10x4 @1min
Made reps on dips, pushdowns, barbell and incline curls.
Will up weight for both dips and incline curls next week
Spent a couple of days in bed this week with flu like symptoms but feeling a lot better now.
Went for an 8km run this morning including my local parkrun which I took relatively easy.
Yesterday's cardio: 5 mile road run with five 1 minute intervals.
Today's strength training:
Push-ups 25, 15
Squat jumps 10
Jump rope 60 seconds
Alternate side lunges 10, both sides
Dumbbell squats 10
Burpees 10
Cross crunch 20, each side
This has been a easy week. I've ramped back workouts to rest up for tomorrow's long run. I also missed a run and a weight session due to excessive rain and work.
Ran this morning with the girlfriend (11.5km) on her local trails and then did a singlespeed ride this afternoon (14.5km.
I ran 13 miles this afternoon. I bit off a little more than I could chew. The temp was near 80F, sunny, and windy. I ran low on water and had to ration it on the second half of the run. I also mis-timed nutrition so I was in the verge of bonking. It's good to suffer sometimes, but next week is easy street.
Bluebells and cattails
Attachment 261526
Wind on the lake
Attachment 261527
Db bench press 30, 35, 40, 45kg x10 x 4 @2min
Db incline press 35kg x10 x4 @2min
Db decline press 35kg x10 x4 @2min
Db flyes 17.5kg x10 x4 @2min
Shoulder press 65kg x10 x4 @2min
Front lat raise 15kg x10 x4 @2min
Side lat raise 15kg x10 x4 @2min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 15kg x10 x4 @2min
Barbell shrugs 170kg x12 x4 @1min
Static barbell holds 160kg for 15 sec x 4 @1min
Made reps on flyes, side raises and shrugs again this week
Yesterday's workout:
Dragging the Kayak out and getting almost a year's worth of rain bailed out of it. To my surprise, there was water in either bulkhead. No bueno!
Fun fact, water can make a #50 boat exponentially heavier. Will have to look into better winter storage options...
Today's workout:
Getting the last of the water sponged out, making sure everything was adjusted, ensuring there were no cracks/leaks in the hull or bulkheads, and making sure the deck webbing was still in good order. Bad news is the plastic seat height adjuster is busted. But it's a cheap part to replace and nothing that will stop me from getting the boat out into the water. Just a minor annoyance. Other than that it's ship-shape and ready to roll.
Maybe sometime this week I'll get this puppy out on a lake, or maybe even out in the Chesapeake Bay for a real workout.
Attachment 261615
Upped weight for deads. Man can feel the extra reps upping weight.
Dead lift 160, 170, 180, 190kg x 7 @2min
Standing bent over barbell rows 75 kg x10 x4 @2min
Bench bent over db rows 40 kg x10 x4 @2min
Close grip wide grip pull down 50 kg x 10 x 4 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 10 x 4 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x10 x4 @ consecutive alternating
Made reps on barbell rows
Lower body routine:
Dumbell squats 2x10
Forward lunges 2x8
Pushups 2x15
Bridges 2x30 seconds
Reverse crunches 2x30
Plank 30 seconds
Side plank 30 seconds each side
Single leg balance 2x30 seconds each side
Standing calf raises 2x10
Toe curls 2x10
I did a 4.5 mile run on the trails tonight with my headlamp. Good times. The woods were filled with the scent of spring flowers.
Upped weight for both dips and incline curls
Back squats 110, 120, 130, 140 x 10 @2min
Straight leg deads 80, 90, 100, 110 x 10 @2min
Leg extensions 35, 45, 55, 65 x 10 @1min
Single leg curls 30 x10 x4 @1min
Bench dips +45kg x10 x 4 @2min
Skull crushers 37.5kg x10 x4 @1min
Pushdowns 55, 60, 65, 70 x 10 @1min
Ez bar curl 37.5kg x10 x4 @2min
Dumbell hammer curl 17.5kg x 10x 4 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 13.5kg x 10x4 @1min
Made reps on straight leg deads, leg extensions, pushdowns, ez bar curls.
Will up weight for both pushdowns and Ez bar curls next week
I went for a 3-4 mile hike this morning. I heard and saw turkeys, but not the mushrooms I was looking for. I did upper body strength training when I returned.
Push-ups 10, 15, 15, 10
Swimmers press 2x8
Bench dips 2x10
Bent over dumbbell rows 2x10
Back extensions 2x10
Russian twists 2x15
An 8km trail run this morning including the local Parkrun.
I ran a 2.5 mile loop on a bike path this morning.
A 15.5km run with the GF this morning which makes it 36km for the weekend.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Upped weight for flyes, side raises and shrugs
Db bench press 30, 35, 40, 45kg x10 x 4 @2min
Db incline press 35kg x10 x4 @2min
Db decline press 35kg x10 x4 @2min
Db flyes 20kg x10 x4 @2min
Shoulder press 65kg x10 x4 @2min
Front lat raise 15kg x10 x4 @2min
Side lat raise 17.5kg x10 x4 @2min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 15kg x10 x4 @2min
Barbell shrugs 180kg x12 x4 @1min
Static barbell holds 160kg for 15 sec x 4 @1min
A 32km singlespeed ride this morning.
30 miles yesterday on the bike trail.
I had the opportunity to do some walking in the woods, probably covering 1.5 to 2 miles.
Lower body routine this evening:
Squat jumps 2x10
Dumbell squats 2x10
Forward lunges 2x8, each side
Rear lunges 8 each side
Planks 2x30
Bridges 30 seconds
Single leg bridges 20 seconds, each side
Single leg balances 2 x30 seconds each leg
Tree pose 30 seconds each leg
No pause stepups 10 each leg
Just got back from a 9.5km run
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dead lift 160, 170, 180, 190kg x 7 @2min
Standing bent over barbell rows 75 kg x10 x4 @2min
Bench bent over db rows 40 kg x10 x4 @2min
Close grip wide grip pull down 50 kg x 10 x 4 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 10 x 4 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x10 x4 @ consecutive alternating
Made reps on barbell rows again so will up weight next week
Yesterday's cardio: 2.8 mile run.
Today's strength training:
Dumbbell presses 2x12
Swimmers press 2x8
Bench dips 3x10
Pushups 15, 10, 10
Front/ side raises 2x6
Supermans 2x10
Bicycles 2x20, each side
Reset the alarm when it went off at 04:10 this morning. :D
Upped weight for both pushdowns and Ez bar curls
Back squats 110, 120, 130, 140 x 10 @2min
Straight leg deads 80, 90, 100, 110 x 10 @2min
Leg extensions 35, 45, 55, 65 x 10 @1min
Single leg curls 30 x10 x4 @1min
Bench dips +45kg x10 x 4 @2min
Skull crushers 37.5kg x10 x4 @1min
Pushdowns 60, 65, 70, 75 (stack) x 10 @1min
Ez bar curl 40kg x10 x4 @2min
Dumbell hammer curl 17.5kg x 10x 4 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 13.5kg x 10x4 @1min
Made reps on straight leg deads and leg extensions.
Will up weight for both next week