Ah, I was tinkin' you only whent to run the stairs ant it would had saved you the trip there, while depriving you if the scenery.
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We had a public holiday today. Went out with mates and ended up with a 120km singlespeed ride.
Followed that up with a barbecue (or as us Saffers like to call it, a braai) with a number of lagers to rehydrate and now I'm about to crash!
No hills this morning, down in Salt Lake City for November Project summit, people from all 25 cities meeting up in one place for a morning workout. Burpees, squat jumps, stair sprints, and a couple somersaults(which I injured my shoulder doing).
Tomorrow, a marathon relay on a ski hill outside of SLC.
Not really a workout but...four mile hike doing trail maintenance. Mostly weed whacking and chopping back scrub brush and thorn bushes.
Having done something similar many times before, I'm going to argue in favour of calling it a workout.
Today for me, was what is increasingly becoming my 'short' ride, just a tad over 36 kms. My times and average speeds are improving, though I still have a long way to go to get to the averages I really want. I'm happy to take whatever improvement I can get. There is a definite lack of decent hill climbs in my area, and I never would have said that last year. The few hills around here are short and nasty, but are becoming less challenging. I still have another chainring to go through before I call challenge complete though. When I can do them in top gear I'll be satisfied...And sad at the same time, because then I will have to head further afield in search of better. On the bright side, it will mean more riding time.
I went and joined the local Parkrun community this morning for the 5km parkrun. I did a nice easy 2.7km warmup and after the parkrun, ran home. Total was 9km. My legs though felt extremely heavy which is not surprising considering the cycle I did on Thursday.
Today's workout:
-Military Press
-Bicep Curl
-Leg Press
Race day today, 10k trail run, at 2000m above sea level, 3300 ft of elevation change. Finished in 1 hr 21 mins.
I had a nice and easyish 50km surf & turf (part road/part off-road) ride this morning.
Definitely feeling a lot fitter than I was 4 weeks ago.
Been doing a lot of bouldering outdoors, some 'high ball' stuff up to 7 meters or so, plus some lower stuff like in the video, also some lead climbing.
However, actually did some bench presses (very light) last night and some 'L' sits and chinups... But mainly it's climbing P:-)....
The toys have been replaced. The leg is back in shape. Tonight we ride! Muuhahaha!
I knew better than to have this lovely taunting me when I was unable to ride so I put it on layaway. I've been cleared for bike riding so I picked it up on my lunch break. Tonight we ride! Freakin A! First ride since June 28th. I'm happy as a puppy with two peckers!
Bicep and tricep today - some crazy loud AC/DC playing in the weight room...
Was a, "Whole Lotta Rosie"....
Quick 5 mile bike ride on single speed road bike, beer and laying in bed reading...oh yeah, and this nonsense.
I would add a photo, but the mobile 'phone is on charge at the other end of the house. I was up a bit earlier today so I thought I would hit the road on the bike again, and go for a bit longer, as I haven't had, and won't get too many opportunities last week or this week. I clocked up 71 kms today. The most I've done in one hit since 1988. I have to admit, I didn't think I was going to make it back. I was tired, sore, hungry and I had a nasty headwind. And to top it off, it's Magpie season. These birds take sadistic joy in belting people in the head and I was too buggered to get up enough pace to outrun the blighters. All in all, it was a great session, but one that I'm in no hurry to repeat just yet.
The weather was atrocious. It was dark. The pace was pathetic and I'm a bit gun shy in traffic but what a wonderful ride. It was great just to be out there again.
I rode with MapMyRide! Distance: 14.45mi, time: 01:52:45, pace: 7:48min/mi, speed: 7.69mi/h.
Michael63726108's Profile
@ whoever.
I've never been big on go fast bikes. This is an aluminum frame hybrid. It probably weighs high 20s to low 30s. Even still it's a bunch easier to move down the road than a MTB. The tires are 700 cm and run them at 80 psi. I'd probably do poorly in a group of road bikes but can sustain 15-20 MPH for a good while
I've been slacking since taking a new job, I never knew how hard an actual job would be;)
Today I got a run in though.
Did 11k in 46 minutes. Not my usual standard, but at least I got out there.
It's nice to see your posts, Birnando. :)
WOW! I would like to reach 5 min/km for my half-m.
I am preparing Buenos Aires full-m (42k) for Oct 11th. Quite hard for a guy that started just two years ago, trains 3 or at most 4 days a week, and is quickly approaching 50...
Will try gums for the first time, BTW.
Got in a short trail run this evening. Looking forward to a longer run later in the week.
My recent accident has me stalking a fat bike beach cruiser/ all terrain bike. The logic being you can't get hit by a car if you ride places cars can't go
There are some nice ones around 2-250 by vkeck this one out , it fire your logic https://www.google.com/search?client...dGI;1548235]My recent accident has me stalking a fat bike beach cruiser/ all terrain bike. The logic being you can't get hit by a car if you ride places cars can't go[/QUOTE]
If you are looking for a fat bike, I can totally recommend a Surly and they have a number of different options to choose from.
Ah Surly. What I wouldn't give to have one of every horse from their stable! But the ECR is the baby I lust after. While not an official fat bike, it does everything I could ever want. It's the Bug Out Bike of my dreams. :)