I hadca PP(therapist) say month on , month off, the body only knows the compounds on the brand . so there is my logic in this
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As Phrank stated, changing brands might be a good idea, but I don't feel you'd develop a tolerance to the Glutamine in itself. Who knows, I just do what works for me, everybody's different. ;)
I went for a short trail run last night. The trail has dried out from all the rain this summer so it was really smooth going.
This weekend I'm helping out a local group with some trail maintenance, getting the route cleaned up for a trail half-marathon this fall.
Workout felt good today, except the gym was extra hot & muggy today. A towel can be the most used thing in the gym!
-Barbell Rows
-Shrugs (forward & reverse)
-One Arm Preacher Curls
-Bicep Cable Curls
-Incline Bench Press
-Leg Curls
-Leg Press
-Quad Extensions
-Decline Bench Sit-ups
I was supposed to go out and join the road crew this morning for a 30k ride but reset my alarm when it went off at 4:15. :D
Nevermind, the excuse I told myself is that I have a 60k race tomorrow, which is going to put me in the hurtbox!
Got home at 11pm last night, and 4:30 came way too early. But its funny how some of your best days come when you feel the worst. Did hills again this morning, and dropped my average pace by 40 seconds from last week, 6:27 this week to last weeks 7:11. Stayed relatively even at 5:40 on the run to the hill, kept a 7:30 average doing hill repeats, and 6:00 on the way back, with a 400m "sprint" at 4:53.
I think skipping the weights in the gym this week(unintentionally, work was hectic) helped everything rest up a bit better.
2.5 km to hills
4x 1 km hill repeats
2.5 km from hills
400m "sprint"
I'm not too worried about the weight in the gym, tbh, its more to activate some of the muscles that didn't get used much before I started being active again. I have a pretty wide frame and am reasonably naturally muscular, mostly I do it to balance the running, and help a bit with weight loss.
Did a 62km mtb race on Saturday and then an 8.5km trail run this morning. Battled with my fitness level at the race but enjoyed it nonetheless.
I shoveled approx. 6 yards of 1 1/2" gravel today, landscaping my yard. Will do good enough for my workout.
Today was long run day, 10.5 km. My boss came and ran with me for 4 km of it. Watching him struggle through those 4 km made my realize how far I've come in the last year, definitely thankful for the progress.
Cross training day today. Circuit workout with partnered bodyweight exercises, and sprints.
Physio this this morning, some weights this afternoon.
After much debate, I commited yesterday to run a half marathon in February(in Edmonton), and a full marathon next August.
Attachment 210050
I'd kill to take a bike ride or a run right now. Getting around on the walker is more upper body work than I've done in years. I've also started strength and flexibility exercises for my bad leg. Hopefully in the next month or so I can start biking and swimming. After the first of the year I hope to get back to running
Stairs today, beat my PB by about 3 minutes.
“Fight Gone Bad!”
Three rounds of:
1minute - Wall-ball (20lbs)
1minute - Sumo deadlift high-pull (75lbs)
1minute - Box Jump (20inch)
1minute - Push-press (75lbs)
1minute - Row (Calories)
1minute - REST
Another short trail run this evening. I was really feeling the big BBQ lunch.:nono:
Played with my new toy, a quad cane. Generally it's quite a bit more comfortable than the walker and definitely more similar to walking. The leg never hurt but it felt like I had no muscles in my right leg. Limpin ain't easy. Even if I could get on a bke I doubt could ride mre than 10 minutes with my baby deer leg
its frustrating, but determination and hard work will get you about anything in life
I've been a lazy sod the whole week, so will go for a ride tomorrow morning.
Late last night did super sets of pull-ups with wide, neutral, and reverse grips. Today I will knock out some push-ups as soon as I get home. I have found that my body responds better to body weight workouts over weight training!
Hills again today, ran a nice steady 6:30 there, back, and on the hill repeats. Taking it easy for race day tomorrow, running the "dead legs" 10k in the river valley here.
So I did the Friday morning ride with the road crew this morning. Just over 31km.
Tomorrow a trail run of between 10-12km and on Sunday a 40 - 50km cycle.
Didn't manage close to 12k this morning. Felt totally flat after donating blood yesterday and only managed 7.5k.
Race day today. Hit my goal of 1hr 30 for the race. 10k with roughly 1000 stairs through the river valley.
I'm very fortunate where I live in that I have a river trail virtually running past my front door. This makes life extremely easy as I don't have to travel anywhere to have a trail run or an MTB ride.
This morning was a 45km ride with mates.
And my chore this afternoon is to wash bikes!