No idea. Organiser did state that the route was 11.2/11.3 km's.
Not often we get something for free. :)
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Ashtanga Yoga workout
Db bench press 35, 40, 45, 50kg x8 @2min
Bb incline press 80kg x8 x4 @2min
Db decline press 40kg x8 x4 @2min
Db flyes 22.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Shoulder press 65kg x8 x4 @2min
Front lat raise 20kg x8 x4 @2min
Side lat raise 20kg x8 x4 @2min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 17.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Barbell shrugs 170kg x8 x4 @1min
A rather frustrating workout today. Shoulder really was an issue. Had to drop the dumbbells at one stage and broke a collar. Had to switch to a barbell for incline presses. Still made reps on shoulder presses but no way I'm putting up at the moment.
45 minutes HIIT spinning. Really loaded up the legs and pushed. Avg HR 132.
Yeah.....Na. Did some research and think it is a rotor cuff impingement in the top of the shoulder cup. Found a stretch and that seemed to remove the pain temporarily. Did some rotor cuff exercises today and the left side is much weaker than the right. My left shoulder blade rotates up and over my shoulder when flexed and has made some imbalances obviously over time. At least I know and can work on it now.
Today's workout
Dead lift 170, 180, 190, 200 kg x 5 @2min
Standing bent over barbell rows 85 kg x8 x4 @2min
Bench bent over db rows 45 kg x8 x4 @2min
Close grip v handle pull down 60 kg x 8 x 4 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 8 x 4 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x8 x4 @ consecutive alternating
Made reps on barbell rows. Made slower full form reps on deads but lost grip on the very last rep. Very annoying as I thought I had it.
The weather in Cincinnati was really nice Saturday so I did a coffee run bike ride. 22 miles round trip.
I think it has to do with the shoulder blade. Its almost as though the bottom isnt attached. I think the muscles around it have compensated for it but it is just at the point now where due to the heavy lifting it has become a problem. At least it gives me a chance to even everything out and you never know might help with the lifting as well
Wednesday's lower body routine:
Dumbell squats 3x10
Forward lunges 2x10, each side
Bridges 2x35 seconds
One legged bridge 30 seconds, each leg
Exercize ball situp 3x20
Single leg balance 3x30 seconds, each side
Squat jumps 20
Rode 34 miles to and from work yesterday. Weather was nice - the next week or so is snow showers.
I went for a 2.3 mile run around the neighborhood yesterday evening. It was around 34 Degrees F but felt much colder in the wind.
I seem to have become a weekend warrior, although I do plan on riding tomorrow morning if this rain lets up.
I did a 5.5 mile trail run this morning. The ground was frozen and crunch for the first half of the run. Half of the lake was iced over and the ice sheet was creaking.
Attachment 255504
Upped reps for squats
Back squats 120, 130, 140, 150 x 9 @2min
Straight leg deads 100, 110, 120, 130 x 8 @2min
Leg extensions 45, 55, 65, 75 (full stack) x 9 @1min
Single leg curls 32.5, 32.5, 32.5, 32.5 x 8 @1min
Parallel bar dips body weight +25kg x9 x 4 @2min
Skull crushers 40kg x8 x4 @1min
Pushdowns 60, 65, 70, 75(stack) x 9 @1min
Ez bar curl 42.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Dumbell hammer curl 20kg x 8 x 4 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 17.5kg x 8 x4 @1min
Made reps on leg curls, skull crushers and Ez bar curls again this week. Will wait on upping curls and skull crushers as my left shoulder and right wrist are causing issues still till my shoulder is better as I don't want to make it worse
7.5km this morning including a Parkrun.
Tomorrow is a 12km trail run (race).
Last night, a good mate talked me into riding a 3 day stage race with him in October on singlespeeds. We did the same race in 2014 together on trail bikes.
Upper body routine:
Pushups 3x15
Swimmers press 2x10
Tricep Bench dips 2x10
Tricep dumbell extensions 10
Front/side raises 2x10
Supermans 2x10 with two second hold
Cross crunch 2x15, each side
Planks 2x30 seconds
Side planks 30 seconds, each side
[QUOTE=Thug;1705731]Movie was good and recommended if you're a Star Was fan
I haven't seen the new ones rummer is they ate more like a soap opera
I went on a pretty sweet, four mile trail run this afternoon. I saw some wildlife and enjoyed the sun peaking out of the clouds. Can you spot the critter?
Attachment 255702
Db bench press 35, 40, 45, 50kg x8 @2min
Db incline press 40kg x8 x4 @2min
Db decline press 40kg x8 x4 @2min
Db flyes 20kg x8 x4 @2min
Shoulder press 65kg x8 x4 @2min
Front lat raise 20kg x8 x4 @2min
Side lat raise 20kg x8 x4 @2min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 17.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Barbell shrugs 170kg x8 x4 @1min
Dropped fly weight back 2.5kg to reduce stress on my shoulder. Made all reps with good form but better than a buggered shoulder. Made reps on shoulder presses again. Had to swap to barbell for last set of both incline and decline presses.
Did some more rotor cuff exercises yesterday. What was easy on the right was impossible on the left. Dropped weight by half and still couldn't do properly. Not going to bother with the right for the moment and just focus on the left till it seems even then will build further together
New workout plan called Sufferfest. And I did suffer.
Attachment 255723
Attachment 255724
Hi guys, new to the forum, found this thread and thought I would join in. I'm in western Washington, getting back into lifting after some time off. Got a setup in my garage, it's pretty good for what it is. Anyway, on to the workout:
Low bar squat
Romanian Deadlift
Dead lift 170, 180, 190, 200 kg x 5 @2min
Standing bent over barbell rows 85 kg x8 x4 @2min
Bench bent over db rows 45 kg x8 x4 @2min
Close grip v handle pull down 60 kg x 8 x 4 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 8 x 4 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x8 x4 @ consecutive alternating
Made reps on barbell and dumbell rows. Didn't make reps on deads.
I do dumbell work, just not much on leg day. I'm trying to not do too much this week, will add more accessory lifts as i get back into it
Leg day:
Dumbell squats 2x6
Forward lunges 8, each side
Reverse lunges 8, each side
Bridges 2x30
Reverse crunches 2x30
Single leg balances 2x30 seconds each side
Squat jumps 2x10
Standing calf raise 2x10
Plank 30 seconds
Clamshells 15 each side
Leg raises 15 each side
After a year's break, I did the night trail run tonight, 8km.
Definitely feel that I need to get fitter and comparing my time from 2 1/2 years ago, I was just over two minutes slower with a much higher heart rate.
Age is a bitch! :)