Once you get it keep at it, it fights ageing too
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I got what is apparently the uneducated starter kit, a gold dollar, paper thin strop, decent soap, and synthetic brush. I have since bought a decent razor and am working on my honing on the gold dollar, and bought an SRD english bridle strop.
Todays workout:
shoulder warmup
wide grip bar x 10
pinkies on rings bar x10
DB Flys
Lying triceps extension
I'm trying a bodyweight push/pull/legs&core split (first week doing it). It's definitely a step up from what I was doing before. Planning on working some rowing in, as well.
Same warmup as always, bodyline drills, and skill work (lsit, support hold, handstand).
Pushing was ring dips, piked pushups, pseudo planche pushups, and one armed planks.
Pulling was pullups, false grip hangs (i hated these), tucked front lever rows, and tucked front lever holds.
Tomorrow is legs and core.
Wednesday's cardio: Two mile run in the neighborhood.
Thursday's upper body:
Push-ups 3x15
Weighted sit-ups 2x20
Bench dips 2x10
Kneeling slashers 2x6, each side
Planks 3x30 seconds
Back extensions 2x12
Upright rows 2x10
Upped weight for leg curls and changed to bench dips to help with the shoulder. Much less stress on the shoulder and better isolation of the tris so may keep it.
Back squats 120, 130, 140, 150 x 9 @2min
Straight leg deads 100, 110, 120, 130 x 8 @2min
Leg extensions 45, 55, 65, 75 (full stack) x 9 @1min
Single leg curls 35 x4 x 8 @1min
Bench dips +25kg x10 x 5 @2min
Skull crushers 40kg x8 x4 @1min
Pushdowns 60, 65, 70, 75(stack) x 9 @1min
Ez bar curl 42.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Dumbell hammer curl 20kg x 8 x 4 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 17.5kg x 8 x4 @1min
Made reps on skull crushers and Ez bar curls again this week. Still waiting for the shoulder to be better. Weight for the bench dips was too light and got more reps and sets than wanted so will up next week.
I logged a 2.75 mile run this morning and hiked 2.3 miles this afternoon scouting a trail.
Today's quick workout:
BW x 5 x 5
Bent over barbell rows, back parallel with the ground
An easy 14.5km trail run this morning.
Saturday strength training:
Squat jumps 2x10
Jump rope 30 seconds
Alternating side lunges 2x10, each side
Single leg squats 2x6 each side
Dumbbell squats w/ two second pause 2x10
Standing calf raises 2x10
Mr Spectaculars 2x10
Toe curls 2x10, each side
Bird dogs 2x10 each side
A 7km easy run with the GF.
Saw quite a few Blesbuck who seem to be quite used to runners and cyclists as they didn't bat an eyelid as we passed within 20m of them.
I went on a four mile (6.4k) trail run this afternoon; saw three bald eagles on the lake.
A rather majestic animal.
I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of those horns!
Attachment 256172
Another Sufferfest day.
Attachment 256175
Db bench press 35, 40, 45, 50kg x8 @2min
Db incline press 40kg x8 x4 @2min
Db decline press 40kg x8 x4 @2min
Db flyes 20kg x8 x4 @2min
Shoulder press 65kg x8 x4 @2min
Front lat raise 20kg x8 x4 @2min
Side lat raise 20kg x8 x4 @2min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 17.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Barbell shrugs 170kg x8 x4 @1min
Made reps on shoulder presses. Didn't have to go to the barbell today and dumbbells were actually a little heavier. Got new dumbbells and these have 19cm of spindle each side compared to 10cm of the previous ones so 18cm of extra spindle per dumbell. Not much but since I am not even at reps yet it felt like a step up.
A 6km run this morning.
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https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0016...i9L&ref=plSrchThis is the one I have, nothing fancy but does the job
I'm not sure what wheel with a threaded bar you are referring to, got a picture or a link?
And running! :nono: not unless there is a ball involved, I can't get into running for health. Cycling when the weather warms up, but no running.
Dead lift 170, 180, 190, 200 kg x 5 @2min
Standing bent over barbell rows 85 kg x8 x4 @2min
Bench bent over db rows 45 kg x8 x4 @2min
Close grip v handle pull down 60 kg x 8 x 4 @1min
Reverse dumbell wrist curls 10kg x 8 x 4 @ consecutive alternating
Dumbell wrist curls 20kg x8 x4 @ consecutive alternating
Made reps on barbell and dumbell rows. Again felt that little extra in the dumbbells. Just made it. Didn't make reps on deads. Think I may have slowed down a little much. Will start making more explosive again and see if I can start making reps again.
I'm taking an easy week with strength training...
Lower body routine:
Squat jumps 10
Dumbell walking lunges 14
Dumbell squats 10
Bridges 30 seconds
Single leg balance 30 secinds each leg
Standing calf raises 10
Leg raises 2x 10 each side, front
Clamshells 2x10
Front plank 2x30 seconds
Bench today
shoulder complex warmup
wide grip bar x 10
pinkies on rings, bar x 10
Boring But Big template
I went for a neat run this evening, running for three miles on an old field road. We had about an inch of snow and a waxing moon so I was able to see without a light. Fun stuff.
-4x10 Flat Benchpress
-3x12 Deadlift
-3x12 Military Press
-3x14 Barbell Curls
-3x12 Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
-4x14 Weighted Calf Raises
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Upped weight for dips and reps for Ez bar curls
Back squats 120, 130, 140, 150 x 9 @2min
Straight leg deads 100, 110, 120, 130 x 8 @2min
Leg extensions 45, 55, 65, 75 (full stack) x 9 @1min
Single leg curls 35 x4 x 8 @1min
Bench dips +35kg x8 x 4 @2min
Skull crushers 40kg x8 x4 @1min
Pushdowns 60, 65, 70, 75(stack) x 9 @1min
Ez bar curl 42.5kg x9 x4 @2min
Dumbell hammer curl 20kg x 8 x 4 @1min
Dumbell incline curl 17.5kg x 8 x4 @1min
Made reps on skull crushers, dips and hammer curls. Will up reps on skull crushers and weight for dips.
I actually got my arse out of bed this morning and joined the Friday crew for a ride. So logged 31km. My 1st ride in over a month.
My running over this past month has obviously helped my fitness as I set a Strava PR on a short climb. I was surprised as I didn't think that I was pushing it, although my heart rate tells a different story. :)
Yesterday's upperbody workout:
Pushups 15
Swimmers press 10
Bench dips 10
Front/side raises 10 each
Supermans w/ two second pause 10
Exercize ball situps 40
Upright dumbell rows 10
Plank 1 minute
Standing calf raises 12
Today's cardio: 3.75 mile run at the local lake. I saw several bald eagles again and some whitetail deer.
Today's workout:
BW x5x5
Bent over barbell rows
A 12.5km run with 286m of ascent.
Lower body and core workout:
Pushups 10
Exercize ball decline pushup 10
Jumprope 2x30 seconds
Squat jumps 2x10
Alterating side lunges 10 each side
Dumbell squats 10
Ceoss crunch 15 each side
Side leg raises 2x10
Clamahells 2x10
Front plank 30 seconds
Side planks 30 seconds each side
A 40km singlespeed ride.
Costco is a workout, well filling the cart might be. Than pushing that around
I went for a run on some horse riding trails this afternoon, 3.2 miles with a lot of hills. I was close to lactate threshold on a couple of the hills.