Except she slept the whole time while getting pushed in the stroller. :rofl2:
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A 6km run this morning at an average pace of 5:30 p/km
It felt good to be back on the road.
Upped weight for barbell rows
Dead lift 160, 170, 180, 190 kg x 5 @2min
Standing bent over barbell rows 80 kg x8 x4 @2min
Bench bent over db rows 40 kg x8 x4 @2min
Wide grip pull down 57.5 kg x 8 x 4 @1min
Been a while since i was out on the bike so I jumped on and went for a 10k cycle.
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Turns out yeah although I'll need to look into it a bit better. My climbs at their steepest where ~10%
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Set my alarm last night for 04:15 to go for a ride.
04:15 comes and I reset the alarm to the normal 05:30
I really need to get MAIG and start taking my cycling seriously again. I have a 97km race in 5 1/2 weeks, although it will be more fun than serious. My days of serious racing are over but I don't want to suffer!
[QUOTE=Thug;1672334]Set my alarm last night for 04:15 to go for a ride.
04:15 comes and I reset the alarm to the normal 05:30
:rofl2: I've been there!
Today's cardio was an easy pace, 2.5 mile run. I had my back adjusted this morning and my hips and shoulders were tight the rest of the day.
Yes, it seems backward.
Back squats 110, 120, 130, 140 x 8 @2min
Straight leg deads 90, 100, 110, 120 x 8 @2min
Leg extensions 45, 55, 65, 75 (full stack) x 8 @1min
Single leg curls 30, 30, 30, 30 x 8 @1min
Parallel bar dips body weight +20kg x8 x 4 @2min
Skull crushers 37.5kg x8 x4 @1min
Pushdowns 55, 60, 65, 70 x 8 @1min
Barbell bar curl 42.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Dumbell incline curl 15kg x 8 x4 @1min
Dumbell concentration curl 17.5kg @1min
Made reps on squats, pushdowns and incline curls this week
Rode 39 miles to and from work yesterday.
When I ride in I get up at 4:30 and I am out the door by 5 AM rolling down the quiet street. I leave my laptop in the docking station at work as motivation to get up and go in - I can't do my job without it and don't want to deal with the traffic driving in - so that forces me to get up and get rolling.
So I set my alarm extra early this morning, all of 5 minutes. :)
Up at 4:10 and out the door at 4:25
32km's with the Friday crew.
Have decided I'm going to enter a two day trail race in May next year with the gf, called The Oxpecker.
Total distance over the two days is approximately 36km, so not too strenuous.
The ITEC Oxpecker Trail Run | 4th & 5th June 2016
Rode 39 miles to and from work.
I also hit a milestone yesterday of 1028 miles of bike commuting this year. 600 of those miles were in August and September.
-3x13 Flat Benchpress
-3x12 Barbell Shrugs
-3x10 Squats
-3x14 Weighted Calf Raises
-3x12 Bicep Curls (EZ Curl Bar)
Have to mix it up a bit this week due to holidays. Going over seas tomorrow morning, Sunday, so doing Mondays workout today. Will try for Tuesdays workout on tues or wed while away then do Friday's on sat when back.
So Monday's workout today
Db bench press 30, 35, 40, 45kg x8 @2min
Db incline press 35kg x8 x4 @2min
Db decline press 35kg x8 x4 @2min
Db flyes 20kg x8 x4 @2min
Shoulder press 57.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Front lat raise 17.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Side lat raise 17.5kg x8 x4 @2min
Bent forward db reverse flyes 15kg x8 x4 @2min
Barbell shrugs 150kg x8 x4 @1min
Made reps on shoulder presses again this week so will up weight next week.
We rode 32km on the trail bike this morning, some good technical trails (both uphill and downhills) and sublime single track next to a river. Unfortunately though, one of the riders took a nasty tumble on a technical downhill and in all likelihood cracked a rib or two, so our ride was cut short.
Rode 39 miles to and from work on Friday.
Just over a 9km run this morning.
I ran my first half-marathon, a trail race, this morning. It was fun and instructive. I need to hydrate better for certain. A tight IT band I've been struggling with for several weeks showed up around mile three and naggged me for the rest of the run.
Well done!
The only thing that eliminates a dodgy ITB is stretching. There are quite a few good stretches that should help reduce the pain.
Iliotibial Band Stretching Exercises
Wrapped up running season with a relay in Canmore, Grizzly Ultra Canmore Marathon & Relay . Was snowy and muddy, but some great single track and views when the fog would break.