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Thread: Today's Workout Thread

  1. #1041
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    I hadca PP(therapist) say month on , month off, the body only knows the compounds on the brand . so there is my logic in this
    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Yes, my PT advised once every couple of months to use a different type of Vegetarian Protein Powder after a workout, she said exactly that, they become less effective with using the same product, so I switch between 3 or 4 brands of the stuff.

    She also mentioned, this pre-workout stuff I bought once, UFC Assault Pre-Workout powder, people develop huge resistances to the stuff. I used the recommended capful once, felt like I was on fire, every hair on my body felt like it was tingling and standing straight up, my head was buzzing pretty intently as well. Now, occasionally if I'm really tired, I'll use a third of a capful, and I can still feel the stuff. She mentioned she knows some that take 3 and 4 capfuls of the stuff before a workout...I'd ferkin' explode if I did that, as mentioned, you just develop tolerance/resistance to the things.
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  2. #1042
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    As Phrank stated, changing brands might be a good idea, but I don't feel you'd develop a tolerance to the Glutamine in itself. Who knows, I just do what works for me, everybody's different.

  3. #1043
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firefighter2 View Post
    As Phrank stated, changing brands might be a good idea, but I don't feel you'd develop a tolerance to the Glutamine in itself. Who knows, I just do what works for me, everybody's different.
    may be true, i'll have to try it at some point since they aren't required to list ingredients. there may be a larger difference than that between generic and name brand meds
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  4. #1044
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pithor View Post
    One Hundred Percent agree.
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  5. #1045
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    I went for a short trail run last night. The trail has dried out from all the rain this summer so it was really smooth going.

    This weekend I'm helping out a local group with some trail maintenance, getting the route cleaned up for a trail half-marathon this fall.

  6. #1046
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    Workout felt good today, except the gym was extra hot & muggy today. A towel can be the most used thing in the gym!

    -Barbell Rows
    -Shrugs (forward & reverse)
    -One Arm Preacher Curls
    -Bicep Cable Curls
    -Incline Bench Press
    -Leg Curls
    -Leg Press
    -Quad Extensions
    -Decline Bench Sit-ups

  7. #1047
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Noo not the cables '-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Firefighter2 View Post
    Workout felt good today, except the gym was extra hot & muggy today. A towel can be the most used thing in the gym!

    -Barbell Rows
    -Shrugs (forward & reverse)
    -One Arm Preacher Curls
    -Bicep Cable Curls
    -Incline Bench Press
    -Leg Curls
    -Leg Press
    -Quad Extensions
    -Decline Bench Sit-ups
    "If you want it, that's what you do best" - Woz
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  8. #1048
    Senior Member blabbermouth Thug's Avatar
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    I was supposed to go out and join the road crew this morning for a 30k ride but reset my alarm when it went off at 4:15.

    Nevermind, the excuse I told myself is that I have a 60k race tomorrow, which is going to put me in the hurtbox!

  9. #1049
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Why not put off what we can do now :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Thug View Post
    I was supposed to go out and join the road crew this morning for a 30k ride but reset my alarm when it went off at 4:15.

    Nevermind, the excuse I told myself is that I have a 60k race tomorrow, which is going to put me in the hurtbox!
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  10. #1050
    Senior Member Thisisclog's Avatar
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    Got home at 11pm last night, and 4:30 came way too early. But its funny how some of your best days come when you feel the worst. Did hills again this morning, and dropped my average pace by 40 seconds from last week, 6:27 this week to last weeks 7:11. Stayed relatively even at 5:40 on the run to the hill, kept a 7:30 average doing hill repeats, and 6:00 on the way back, with a 400m "sprint" at 4:53.

    I think skipping the weights in the gym this week(unintentionally, work was hectic) helped everything rest up a bit better.

    2.5 km to hills
    4x 1 km hill repeats
    2.5 km from hills
    400m "sprint"
    Last edited by Thisisclog; 08-21-2015 at 03:04 PM.

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