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Wednesday's Gym
-3x14 Chin-ups
-3x10 Standing Military Press
-3x12 Standing Double Dumbell Curls
-3x12 Pec Fly Machine
-3x12 Deadlifts
-3x10 Squats
Weights again,
Neutral grip pull up 2x10
Wide grip pullups 2x10
Leg Press 4x10
Calf Raise 3x12
Leg Curl 3x12
Leg Extension 3x12
35 min run/walk on the treadmill. Slow going but no pain in the leg and it feels a bit more normal every day. By spring I should be back to 4-6 mile runs.
Joined the crew for a 30km pre-work ride this morning.
That's 3 rides and 2 runs this week so far, I missed yesterday but might do a double tomorrow.
Yes, I don't believe in 'flicking' and stuff...
4km of hills today, with 2.5km to and 2.5km from. Leg is feeling better now that my regular physiotherapist is back.
It seems for some, the number of repetitions is holy, with clean technique being sacrificed. Like the swinging around like a six year old for chin/pull ups just to get the chin over the bar; push ups only halfway down instead of nose to the ground with a straight back and elbows out as if they're on a rowing machine; just dropping the bar when doing deadlifts, forgetting it's an up-and-down exercise (people seem to have trouble grasping this last concept when doing exercise in general). I suck at chin ups, but when I do do them, I make sure not to turn them into a monkey bar bonanza.
Also the times people, who themselves did push ups with their belly and groin almost hitting the floor, telling me that my ass was too high up and my back too rounded when I did mine...ugh. I may not be able to do a hundred, but I'll be damned if my technique isn't up to snuff.
Also, I have done some heavier lifts where it was hard to keep a good posture and clean technique as I was pushing my limits, but they were still within a reasonable margin. If I notice my technique is out the window, I stop and reassess (and I don't count the faulty repetition). It usually means I'm lifting too heavy or forget a vital part of technique.
It's the same old bragging rights over efficiency and actual progress. I often wonder why people even bother doing an exercise when they obviously hardly pay attention to technique and posture.
I agree, I still use the assisted pull-up machine at the gym, because I'd rather have proper form and less weight, than to flail around and get a couple of ineffective reps in.
Also, this kinda sums up what you were refering to:
That link sums up why i "d rather use my own equipment. I also hate the that grab weight off the rack, go sit on the bench and flap their gums about what they are gonna do, and never lift that weight they originally got off the rack.
Also those who vet trainers as cheerleaders to cheer on their half ass workout, instead of using the trainers knowledge to do it right.
I feel for me overhand grip works the lats. Of course I'm not suggesting door frame pull ups (as they may more correctly be termed rather than chin ups) aere an all round great movement, but they're hard, work the fingers, take some time to be able to achieve, and do also work the lats and biceps.
I don't generally see how pull ups or chin ups will work the lats. I always concentrate on the fact that a muscle on contracts; and the pecs are used to draw the arm into the medial line of the body.
I have a chin up bar that hooks on to a door frame, plus various other setups at home for chin ups, so do enjoy various hand positions...
Anyway, TODAY'S workout was getting up at 20 past five, driving about 90ks to a climbing destination, doing a couple of easy (for me) routes and a mid range route, then hoping back in the car and driving another 90ks to the bouldering club and climbing there for an hour and a half.
Had quite an intense session at The Club, worked on a lot of traversing for endurance but also some powerful 'campusing' moves (using no feet) and some roof climbing.
Gotta get back on the single speed push bike soon too :-)
Did an 7.5k trail run this morning before coming into work.
35 minute run/walk on the treadmill. I really do feel like I could run harder but I'm going to resist temptation and just take it easy. Next week will be a bike week with 3 bike rides and only 2 runs. Looking to kick it off with a longish bike ride tomorrow before the Buccanneers of Tampa Bay embarass the Giants of New York
I'm doing some fire training this weekend, so after we got finished today, I rowed on the machine for 1/2 hr. That will be about the extent of my workouts until next week.
This will shed some light on that Pushups hit lats?? - Bodybuilding.com Forums
Don't let the URL title fool you
A 39km Surf & Turf this morning on the CX bike.
43 mile (69km) bike ride today on my Raleigh Hybrid. Went to downtown Clearwater and back. Just beat the rain coming home. I think this is probably as far as I'd want to ride a bike in one day at the moment. Off day tomorrow then a bike ride on Tuesday.
And of course the obligatory selfie:
I think it's safe to say my leg is no longer injured :)
Took a week off, but today is the start of a new week.
The weather in CO is holding up nicely, mid 60's yesterday and perfect day to take a road bike for a spin.
Did a century ride with about 3800 elevation gain, felt good to be out and riding!
3km warm up/3km cool down.
2.5km worth of alternating pushups/situps/burpees and laps, then squats/tuck jumps/partnered squats and laps, then lunges/jumping jacks/plank and laps.
A 4km run after work in my Luna's.
Quite warm here at the moment, temperatures reaching 32 deg C (90 deg F) and estimated to reach 37 deg C later in the week.
A 26km Surf & Turf this morning.
So far have managed 9 Move exercises this month in 10 days.
There is a MTB race in SA called the Freedom Challenge which is a non-stop race from Pietermartizburg to just outside of Cape Town. This race is approximately 2300km long and you navigate on a preset route using 1:50 000 maps (no GPS allowed). Maximum number of days allowed is 26 with check points every 100km or so and various cut-offs along the route.
The organisers also have a non-stop race called Race 2 Rhodes which is the 1st 500km of the Freedom Challenge. Starts in Pietermaritzburg and finishes in a town called Rhodes. Racers are given a maximum of 8 days to complete.
Both races start in June which is the middle of winter in SA and racers do encounter all types of weather including snow.
Last night I entered the R2R.
Freedom Challenge - Home
Yes, the only way of navigation (unless you've done it many times before and can remember routes & paths) is by map and compass. So I'd better brush up on my map reading skills. Fortunately I've done a lot of Adventure Racing down the years and know how to use a compass and read a 1:50 000 map.
Terrain is pretty remote but there are no restrictions on uploading photos to social media (when you have signal).
Cool, yeah that's quite funny. Hardly an authoritative source! Just a few guys talking :-). Also there appears to be nothing on there about chin ups, so I guess the title did fool me. :-)
I guess certainly there are many muscles involved in exercises such as push ups and chin ups. As they mention here there's some stabilisation that occurs. Anyway, for me, I seem to work mainly my pulling muscles (specifically lats, biceps, rear deltoids, some forearms) from pull ups and chin ups.
I do feel that sometimes not doing a weights workout for some time and then doing one allows you to determine, via DOMS, exactly what you have worked. Bench presses certainly do (for me) work the lats some what in regard to stabilisation.
Anyway, dude, certainly every thing I post here is just my experience.